Chapter 10

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Dex sighed as he had light-leapt back home. He was just heading up to his bedroom now, ready to relax after a long day of girls glaring at him and having to deal with his friends asking him and Fitz questions about their 'romantic' relationship.

Dex ran his fingers through his hair as he made it to his bedroom and he opened the door. Dex stood there as he saw his parents there, standing in his room, staring at him.
"... What is this?" Dex asked, entering his room and unclasping his cape from his shoulders.

Dex made his way towards his desk and draped his cape over his chair. He leaned back against his desk as he looked to his parents.
"A very warm welcome." Kesler smiled at Dex.
"I'm just curious why my parents are in my room." Dex smiled at his dad.
"Did I do something wrong? And here I thought I would've gotten away with it-"

"Lady Della stopped by earlier for a cup of tea." Juline cut off her son.
Dex blinked as he looked at his mother.
"Oh...?" Dex smiled nervously at his mother.
"And she asked if she and the Vacker family could have dinner with our family soon." Juline smiled at Dex.
"Apparently, you and Fitz are dating-?"

"You have betrayed our family, Dex!" Kesler exclaimed, placing his hand over his heart.
"We hate snobs, we hate prestigious families, and yet you date one of the sons from one of the most prestigious family in all of the Lost Cities!!"
Dex couldn't stop himself from smiling at his father's dramatic display.

Juline sighed and she ignored her husband as she looked at Dex.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Juline frowned.
Dex titled his head.
"I didn't tell you guys?" Dex furrowed his eyebrows.
Juline raised her eyebrows.
"Dex-" Juline began, about to scold her son.

"Uhm, so are we having dinner with the Vackers or...?" Dex asked.
"Yes, they will be coming over next weekend." Juline answered, nodding at Dex.
Dex hummed, nodding.
"Great." Dex smiled.
"Can't... wait!"

"Well, we will leave you alone for now. Later on during dinner, we will talk more of your relationship with Fitz." Juline said, going over and ruffling Dex's hair.
Dex's face scrunched up.
"Ah, okay." Dex smiled at his mother.
Juline smiled at her son before walking off, out of Dex's room. Kesler followed behind his wife, also giving his son a smile.

Dex quickly went over to his bedroom door and he shut it as he dug his imparter out from his pocket.
"Show me Fitz Vacker." Dex said to his imparter as he began to pace back and forth in his room.
A few moments passed and the small image of Fitz appeared.

"Hey, I was just about to head down and ask my parents about the picnic-" Fitz began.
"Are you alone right now?" Dex asked, sort of nibbling on his nails.
Fitz furrowed his eyebrows at Dex.
"Yeah... I'm in my room." Fitz nodded.

"Your mother came over earlier." Dex stated.
"And next weekend, it's gonna be a Vacker and Dizznee dinner. Everyone. Me, you, my parents, your parents, my siblings, your sister. And now my parents know about us, or well they know that we're supposedly dating and-"
"Okay, relax." Fitz said softly.

Dex stared at Fitz and Fitz smiled at Dex.
"It's fine." Fitz said, shrugging.
"It's just... a few more people we have to... lie to."
Dex frowned at Fitz.
"I-I feel terrible. I mean, I could tell my mom was a little disappointed I didn't tell her, my dad messed about a little bit, but he's fine with it. I just have no idea how the triplets will react and... And I'm rambling again." Dex sighed, shaking his head.

"I'm sorry, I just... this is... this is a lot."
Fitz frowned at Dex.
"... Do you wanna back out?" Fitz asked softly.
"I mean... you can, if it's really this bothersome to you."
Dex stared at Fitz and he stayed silent for a few moments.

He didn't want this to end. Dex truly didn't want it to end because if it ended, Fitz would probably not hang around him as much as he has recently.

"... No, it's fine." Dex mumbled.
"Are you sure? 'Cause it's honestly fine-" Fitz began.
"I'm telling you it's fine." Dex smiled at Fitz.
"It's just for a few more weeks and then... it's over."
Fitz hummed quietly, studying Dex's face and expression for a moment.
"... Right." Fitz mumbled.

Dex bit his inner cheek.
"I interrupted you from asking your parents about the whole picnic thing. I'm sorry. I'll let you go do that now." Dex said, running his fingers through his hair.
"Sorry, Fitz."
"It's not a big deal-" Fitz began.
Dex disconnected from the hail and he shoved his imparter into his pocket before going over to his bed and falling onto his back on the bed.


Word count: 830

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