Chapter 16

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Dex looked next to him as Biana looked across from her to see Fitz sitting down next Dex. Keefe seemed to also appear, sitting down next to Biana.

"Sorry I left this morning." Fitz said, looking at Dex.
Dex gave Fitz a small smile.
"Thanks for leaving a note, but you could've woken me up." Dex said.
"You told me you're sleep deprived, I had to let you sleep in a bit longer." Fitz smiled at Dex.
Dex hummed, smiling.

"What? You two nearly got detention?!" Keefe gasped.
Fitz looked at Biana and Keefe, unaware that they began to converse.
"Huh?" Fitz then furrowed his eyebrows at Dex.
"You and Biana nearly got detention?"
"Oh, we were talking at the library after returning some books." Dex said, waving his hand in dismissal.
"Mentor caught us, told us to get going or else we'd get lunch detention. Biana turned us both invisible and dragged us out of there."

"... Did you go to your lessons?" Fitz looked to Biana now.
"We had important stuff to talk about in private." Biana said.
"Ooh, the Vacker siblings are fighting over Dex's attention!" Keefe butted in, grinning.
"We're not fighting, thanks Keefe." Fitz said, looking to the Empath now.
"Plus, Dex and Biana are best friends, but still, disappointed that you made Dex skip his lessons."
Fitz now looked at Biana again.

"She didn't make me, first of all." Dex huffed, raising an eyebrow at Fitz.
"I wanted to talk to Biana anyway."
Fitz looked to Dex and he furrowed his eyebrows.
"Did you... did you talk about what made you upset last night-?" Fitz began, lowering his voice a little.
"A little." Dex shrugged, looking away.

Ouch. That sort of stung. Fitz didn't expect that to sting.

"I told you that you could talk to me-?"
Fitz reached his hand over to place over Dex's, but Dex took his hand away.
Keefe grimaced and Biana frowned as she glanced between Dex and Fitz.
Fitz rested his hand on his lap now, staring at Dex for a few more moments before he kept his gaze onto the table in front of him.

"Uh-oh, the lovers are fighting-" Keefe began, attempting to lighten the mood.
"Not fighting." Dex scowled, shooting a glare at Keefe.
Keefe blinked and he instantly shut up, looking away. Biana looked at Keefe and she gently placed her hand on his shoulder, rubbing it. Keefe gave Biana a small smile and Biana smiled back before she looked at Dex.

"Is it really affecting you that much?" Biana questioned.
"I just... Biana, I'm not in the mood." Dex mumbled.
Fitz tapped his fingers against his lap and he bit his inner cheek.
"Alright. You know what? I think Keefe and I will go." Biana said, getting up.
"Keefe, c'mon. They need to talk things out."

Keefe looked at Fitz.
"Fitz, you gonna be okay-?" Keefe began.
"Fine." Fitz said, nodding at Keefe.
"I'll talk to you later."
Keefe hummed, nodding as he got up.
Biana interlocked their arms and they then walked off.

Fitz looked at Dex and Dex tapped his fingers against the table, not really looking at Fitz.
"Did I do something?" Fitz asked softly.
"Is it cause I left this morning without-?"
"No." Dex shook his head, looking at Fitz.
"It's just... it's me. Not you."

"... That sort of sounds like the start of a break-up." Fitz said.
"Well, maybe you should add that to the script of our fake break-up when it gets to that point and you don't need me anymore." Dex smiled at Fitz.
Fitz scoffed out softly.
"Dex-" Fitz shook his head.
"I- why are you bitter about this? It's not as if we aren't still going to be friends after all of this."
Dex thought about his next words carefully.

"You're telling me, that once all of this is over, that we'll hang out as often as we have been recently? We'll be sleeping over, having dinner with each other's families? I mean... Fitz, right now, we're fake boyfriends. We're... technically friends with benefits. Are you telling me, that when we 'break-up', we are going to go back to being friends, with no 'benefits'?" Dex raised his eyebrows at Fitz.

Fitz blinked and there was a lump in his throat. He didn't know how to respond to Dex.

"That's what I thought. We're not going to be the same as it is now. It's gonna go back to you and I only talking when it's necessary and... I'll be all alone again."
Oh, Fitz didn't like that. Fitz didn't like how Dex's voice seemed to break near the end of his statement.

Dex took a deep breath and he got up from his seat.
"I need... I don't know what I need. I can't be around you right now, Fitz." Dex said, shaking his head.
Fitz frowned and he watched as Dex walked off. Fitz took a deep breath and he ran his fingers through his hair.

Well, Fitz wasn't doing a good job of keeping his fake boyfriend happy.


"Did you guys talk?" Biana asked as she poked her head through the gap of Fitz's bedroom door.
Fitz let out a loud groan and he turned around, facing his sister.
"Get in here." Fitz grumbled, crossing his arms, ready to start rambling to Biana about what happened and what to do next.

Biana sighed out as she entered Fitz's room, shutting the door behind her. She leaned against the door and Fitz began to run his fingers through his hair.

"Dex... he's upset at me about something." Fitz stated.
"Did he say that specifically?" Biana asked, titling her head.
Fitz began to pace in his room.
"Well, I asked if I did something wrong and he said that it wasn't me, it was him. But, I mean... what is that? Who says such stuff? It's all ridiculous." Fitz huffed.

"Dex is your boyfriend, Fitz." Biana stated.
Fitz slightly tensed up. He forgot that Biana didn't know that he wasn't actually dating Dex. That this was all pretend.
"You need to listen to him. Accept that if he wants to talk to you, he wants to talk. If he wants to be alone, you leave him alone. He loves you, and you love him. If you wanna make sure you don't screw up this great relationship you have with Dex, I suggest you hail him or do something, letting him know that you respect him with whatever he needs, ease his worries if he has any worries that need to be eased. "

Fitz looked at Biana.
"... Since when are you good at this romance crap? "Fitz questioned.
"Oh come on, I read a lot of romance crap." Biana grinned, flipping her hair back with her hand. "I am the God of Romance!!"
Fitz smiled.

"Also, glad to know you didn't deny the bit where I said you two loved each other."
Fitz blinked and he looked at Biana, his cheeks turning red.
"W-what? No, you didn't say anything like that-" Fitz began.
"Oh, I did! You are so in love with our Dexy-poo!!" Biana exclaimed, her voice now becoming more of a sing-song tone.
Fitz felt embarrassed.

"Alright! Out! I want you out!!" Fitz scowled, going over to Biana.
"You love Dex~!" Biana called as she opened up the bedroom door and back away out of Fitz's room.
Fitz shot a glare at Biana as he slammed his bedroom door shut. Fitz could hear Biana giggling outside.

Fitz sighed to himself and he made his way over to his bed. He laid down on his back and he stared up at the ceiling. He instantly began to fiddle with the ring around his finger and took a deep breath.

Why is everyone talking about 'love' so much now? I mean, Fitz has never thought of Dex in that way before. Dex has always seemed a bit too... geeky for Fitz.

Fitz bit his lower lip as he thought about what Dex had said earlier.
When they 'break-up', they really won't be as close as they have been. Obviously they're not gonna be leaning against each other all the time, they're not gonna hold hands, they're not going to kiss each other and they won't be doing other things they've recently been doing.

Why did Fitz's heart ache at that thought?

Fitz liked what he and Dex had now. I mean, Dex was such a sweetheart. And he was pretty adorable to make flustered. And just kissing him felt... it felt amazing.

Fitz let out a whine as he rolled over and let out a quiet, muffled scream into his pillow.

Did he really just break his very first rule of this whole deal? Was Fitz actually falling for Dex Dizznee?


Word count: 1477

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