Chapter 2

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Dex grumbled quietly as there was a loud knock at his bedroom door. He decided to ignore it, as he assumed it was one of his siblings trying to mess with him and annoy him while he was working on fixing his alarm clock. His alarm clock hasn't been working as well as it has had for the last few years. He just needed to fix it so that his parents wouldn't have to buy him a new one.

Another round of knocks were heard on his door and Dex scoffed.
"I swear to god!" Dex scowled as he got up from his chair.
"Lex, Bex, Rex, if one of you are out there and are attempting to annoy me, then you should know that I am working on-!"
Dex began to shout as he went over to his bedroom door. Dex opened his door and his shouting instantly stopped.
Dex blinked at Fitz who stared at him.

"Am I...interrupting something?" Fitz questioned, raising an eyebrow at Dex.
Dex backed away.
", uh come in." Dex said.
Fitz smiled slightly as he walked into Dex's bedroom and Dex shut the door after he walked in.

"But you were shouting that-" Fitz began.
"I say it's important when it's just something I want to get done as soon as possible so that my siblings don't bother me." Dex cut Fitz off.
"I can spare a few moments for...a friend."

Dex didn't know if 'friend' was the right word to call Fitz. They never really talked much or hung out often.

Fitz hummed.
"Right, well...I'm sorry to bother you anyway. I just needed help from a friend, and I know for a fact neither Tam or Keefe will help." Fitz said, looking at Dex.
Fitz added emphasis on 'friend'. Dex crossed his arms as he leaned against the wall of his room.
"Uh-huh...okay and what do you need help with?" Dex asked, tilting his head to the side.
Fitz fiddled with his ring on his left hand and Dex glanced at how Fitz was nervously fidgeting.

"I recently came out to my parents as bisexual." Fitz said, staring at Dex.
Dex looked at Fitz and they held eye contact.
"Congrats?" Dex furrowed his eyebrows at Fitz.
Fitz smiled.
"My mother accepted me and my father...he doesn't believe I can be attracted to guys." Fitz continued on.
Dex continued to stare at Fitz blankly, shrugging at him.
"And I can help with this how?" Dex asked.

"You could be my boyfriend." Fitz responded.
Dex took a moment to process what Fitz said before he laughed.
"Hahaha! Okay, very funny, Fitz. Seriously, how am I supposed to help?" Dex asked with a smile on his face.

Fitz clicked his tongue and he shook his head slightly as he took a few steps closer to Dex.
"You...could be my boyfriend." Fitz repeated himself.
Dex stared blankly at Fitz, his smile quickly disappearing.
"W-what?" Dex's voice became high-pitched.

Fitz rubbed the back of his neck.
"Well, you'd be my fake boyfriend. But...I'd tell my parents I'll be inviting my boyfriend over for dinner sometime next week and...then you'll come over and pretend to be my boyfriend." Fitz explained.
"It's only for like a month or something. Once my dad is convinced I like boys as well as girls, we will 'break up' and then your job will be done."

Dex's mouth felt dry. He didn't know what to say.
"I-I don't think your dad even likes me!" Dex exclaimed, finally spouting out something.
"I mean, I' outcast!"
Fitz bit his lower lip.
"Dex, I just need someone to pretend to be my boyfriend." Fitz stated.
"It's just for a month or so. And it's not as if either one of us are actually in love, or are going to fall in love, with the other." 

Dex gulped and he looked away, digging his nails into his wrist.
"I- Fitz...this is...I don't know." Dex shook his head.
"This could end really poorly."
Fitz frowned at Dex and he furrowed his eyebrows.
"How could it?" Fitz questioned.
"Like I said, we're not going to fall for each other in this process." 
Dex dug his nails deeper into his wrist and Fitz glanced at Dex's hands.

Fitz gently took Dex's hand away from his wrist, seeing the small dents in Dex's wrist where his nails had been digging in.
"Dex, there's no need to be so anxious." Fitz said softly, looking at Dex.
Dex kept looking at his hand in Fitz's before he looked up at Fitz. Fitz gave Dex a small smile.
"Just one month. That is all I am asking." 

Dex bit his lower lip.
"I- I don't know." Dex shook his head again, taking his hand away from Fitz's.
Dex kept his gaze on the floor now.
Fitz took a few steps back.
"I'll give you a few days to think it over?" Fitz offered.
Dex ran his fingers against the little dents his nails had made into his wrist.
"...I'll hail you within the next 3 days for when I want to talk about it." Dex said, his voice quiet.

Fitz stared at Dex who wouldn't meet his eye.
"Dex." Fitz said.
Dex glanced up at Fitz.
"This...." Fitz hesitated.
Fitz gulped.
"This would really help me out. And I'll owe you something if you decide to do this. I'll do whatever you want."
Fitz gave Dex a small smile.
"I'll see you around."
Dex managed to give Fitz a small smile.
"Yeah...see you around, Fitz." Dex said.
Dex watched as Fitz grabbed his home crystal and just light-leapt away.

Dex bit his inner cheek as he thought about this offer. It could end horribly. Dex knew that there was that possibility.

But why was he so tempted into actually accepting this offer?


Word count: 991

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