Chapter 21

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"So, will you tell me what happened for my dad to be so... nice to you?" Fitz asked as he and Dex were walking towards the lake nearby the house.
Dex smiled and he swung his and Fitz's arm back and forth as they were still holding hands from when they light-leapt to Everglen.

"I was sort of panicking? Wasn't doing well with everyone all around judging me and he came up to me. He asked if I wanted to step aside, I said I was fine and he... your dad asked if I wanted to join him on a stroll." Dex explained, looking at Fitz.
"We walked for a bit and then we sort of stopped until no one was near us. He just... he talked to me."
Fitz hummed, looking at Dex and listening to him.

"He... said some things. I told him it was hard to win his approval, and being around a lot of people who didn't like me? That it was a lot... he then told me I don't need to win his approval, he's just happy that you're happy." Dex continued on.
"I think your dad is accepting that you're bisexual."
Fitz seemed to smile at that news and Dex was glad to see Fitz was happy.

"Well... I'm glad my dad helped you out when you were feeling stressed...sorry for not noticing." Fitz said.
Dex shrugged. "You were busy talking to family, it's fine."
Fitz hummed in response.

The two of them made it to the lake and Dex sighed out as he looked out into the water. Dex gently let go of Fitz's hand and he sat down on the grass. Fitz looked down at Dex before he sat down next to him.

"You had fun with my cousins though, didn't you?" Fitz questioned, looking at Dex.
"Oh, tons of fun." Dex smiled at Fitz.
"But I definitely think your aunts and uncles will hate me because I taught those kids a few pranks they could pull on them."
Fitz let out a laugh.
"Pfft, some of them deserve it. And those kids deserve to have some fun. Growing up in a prestigious family can be...restricting." Fitz sighed out.

Dex studied Fitz's face as Fitz looked out into the water. Dex pressed their shoulders together as he looked out into the water too.

"Have you helped Keefe out, at all, with Tam?" Fitz asked.
"Pfft, Keefe hails me for advice every now and then but... he's doing a good job by himself. Apparently Tam talks to Biana about advice with what to do with Keefe, so... they should get together soon." Dex answered.
Fitz hummed in response.

A silence overcame them but it felt comforting.

Dex let out a soft sigh, admiring the lake and his hand rested over Fitz's hand. Fitz looked down at their hands before he gently took Dex's hand into his and interlocked their fingers. His thumb ran back and forth against the back of Dex's hand. Dex decided to rest his head on Fitz's shoulder and he shut his eyes for a few moments. Fitz looked down at Dex and he couldn't help but smile, admiring how content Dex seemed.

Fitz didn't expect to feel this happy with Dex as his fake boyfriend. He didn't expect for them to become so close, nor did he expect himself to actually gain feelings for Dex.
Fitz wished he could confess, say anything to Dex about the feelings that have stirred up in him, but Dex may think it's a cruel prank. Or Dex would laugh like he did when Fitz first asked him to be his 'boyfriend'.

"Squeezing my hand a bit too tightly, loverboy."
Fitz hadn't realised his grip on Dex's hand tightened and so he loosened it. He looked down at Dex who was now looking up at him.
"Sorry." Fitz smiled.
Dex studied Fitz's face.

"What got you so worked up?" Dex asked, bringing his free hand up to Fitz's face.
Dex began to push away some strands of hair that 'ruined' Fitz's hair/looks.
Fitz let out a soft sigh and he brought his hand over Dex's hand, holding it against his cheek. Dex tilted his head slightly, watching as Fitz leaned into Dex's touch.
"Nothing. Nothing, just... a little bit of worrying. Nothing for you to worry about." Fitz said softly.
Dex hummed quietly.

"Well, just know that you can also talk to me about whatever." Dex said.
"I'll listen and I can help with whatever worries you."
Dex's thumb rubbed Fitz's cheek in a comforting way. Fitz smiled at Dex.
"Thank you, Dex." Fitz said softly.
"But it's fine. I promise."

Fitz then leaned in. Dex bit his inner cheek for a moment as Fitz pressed their foreheads together. Fitz slightly tilted his head, about to kiss Dex.
"May I?" Fitz asked, his voice soft and quiet.
Dex couldn't help but smile,"you may."
Fitz smiled and he began to shut his eyes as he was about to press their lips together.

"Dex, watch out!!"
Fitz and Dex looked over, seeing Biana running at them. Dex blinked as he took his hands away from Fitz and Fitz seemed confused.
"Biana? What are you-?" Fitz began.

Dex shuffled back as Biana ran and tackled her brother, causing both of them to stumble back and fall into the lake. Dex held his hand over his mouth, attempting not to laugh as Biana and Fitz were now in the lake, soaking wet.

Biana seemed to grin, happy that she managed to tackle her brother in the lake. She didn't seem to mind that she got completely wet as well. Fitz grumbled and he glared at his sister. Biana yelped as she quickly got out of the lake.
"Uh! Bye Dex!! I gotta go lock myself in my room before Fitz murders mee!!" Biana called as she ran off.
Dex really couldn't help but laugh out loud.
"Pfft, haha! Bye Biana!" Dex called after her.

Fitz then got out of the lake, his clothes completely soaking and his hair ruined. He clenched his hands into fists, seemingly ready to go after his sister and do something to her.

Dex couldn't help but giggle as he got up from the grass. Fitz drew his attention to Dex and his cheeks turned red. Fitz ran his fingers through his wet hair, slicking it back.
"Uhm... sorry, I guess Biana saw we were gone and decided to come back home too." Fitz said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
Dex went over to Fitz and smiled
"Oh, don't be sorry. It was hilarious to see you get tackled into the lake." Dex grinned.

"But I'll probably just go now. Leave you to get changed out of these wet clothes."
Fitz hummed, nodding.
"Right... I guess I'll see you later." Fitz said, glancing at the ground.
Dex took a step forward closer to Fitz and he gently cupped his face. Fitz looked at Dex and Dex reached up.
"Kinda got interrupted there, so I'll give you a kiss goodbye." Dex said quietly.

Fitz seemed to smile and he leaned in as Dex reached up. Their lips pressed together. The kiss only lasted for a few moments before Dex pulled away and smiled at Fitz. Dex uncupped Fitz's face and he dug into his pocket for his home crystal.
"Thank you for inviting me to the picnic, it was... mostly fun." Dex said, holding his crystal in his hand.
"I'm glad you came." Fitz smiled back at Dex.
Dex hummed and nodded.

Dex then hesitated as he was about to hold his crystal up.
"... Please forgive me, but I just have to do this?" Dex said, pressing his free hand against Fitz's chest.
"What? Do what-?" Fitz furrowed his eyebrows.
Dex then pushed Fitz back into the lake and Fitz yelped as he fell back into the cold waters of the lake again.

Dex grinned down at Fitz.
"I-! Dex!" Fitz scowled.
"Bye~! You know that I lov-" Dex began.
Dex stopped himself and his cheeks turned red as he quickly raised his crystal up and light-leapt away.

Fitz grumbled as he got out of the lake again and he looked down at his wet clothes. Fitz scowled to himself as he began to make his way back home.

It wasn't until after a few steps, Fitz had halted and he stood there for a few moments as his entire face turned red and his heart began to beat faster.

Was Dex going to say 'I love you'? Again?


Word count: 1435

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