Chapter 28

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"Well, that went better than expected." Dex stated as he shut the door to his bedroom.
"Yeah, seems like your brother still hates me." Fitz stated, sitting down on Dex's bed.
"Oh, Lex doesn't hate you." Dex rolled his eyes.

"He was threatening me all throughout dinner!!" Fitz exclaimed.
Dex smiled at Fitz and Fitz raised his eyebrows at Dex.
"I didn't see him threatening you." Dex shrugged slightly.
"He did this." Fitz said, bringing his thumb up to his neck and making the gesture of slicing it. "He literally did that while staring me right in the eye."

Dex crossed his arms.
"Well, my brother isn't actually going to do anything to you. He's just winding you up." Dex stated as he went over and stood in front of Fitz. "I think you should be worried about what you're parents are gonna do to you since they found out you slept over at my place that one time without knowing about it."
"Let's just be glad that they allowed me to stay over tonight after finding out about that..." Fitz mumbled.

Dex hummed and he went over towards his desk. Fitz watched Dex.
"You seemed to act weird when my mother mentioned us being together for a while and when Lex mentioned the whole... 'I love you' thing and becoming family one day." Fitz said.
Dex leaned against his desk and he kept his arms crossed, shrugging at Fitz.
"It's just... We've gotten to the point of this fake relationship where... we have to start planning out how we're gonna 'break-up'." Dex stated.
"Ah." Fitz sighed, running his fingers through his hair.

"But... I mean, do we have to?"

Dex raised his eyebrows as he stared at Fitz in silence for a few moments.
"What?" Dex questioned.
Fitz's cheeks turned red. Fitz wasn't sure what to make out of the look on Dex's face, unsure if it was positive or negative.

"It's just... well, maybe we should continue this a little longer!" Fitz exclaimed. "We seem like a happy couple, so it'd be weird if we broke up all of a sudden, y'know?"
Fitz nervously rubbed the back of his neck. Dex blinked at Fitz.
"And-and you can cash in that favour any time! I'll owe you two favours, if you want!!"

Dex hummed, thinking about this.
"... I can cash in my favour... whenever?" Dex questioned.
"Whenever." Fitz nodded.
"Like... right now for example?" Dex asked, standing up straight now.
Fitz raised his eyebrows.
" you have something in mind already?" Fitz asked.

Dex bit his inner cheek.
"Well, this will maybe change your mind about continuing being my fake boyfriend, but yeah..." Dex mumbled.
Dex began to make his way over to his bed and he sat down on it. He crossed his legs and Fitz shuffled back, crossing his own legs as he faced Dex.

"What is it?" Fitz asked.
Dex stared directly into Fitz's eyes.
"Enter my mind." Dex answered.
"What?" Fitz furrowed his eyebrows.
"I can't-" Dex began.
Dex took a deep breath and he looked at Fitz. "I can't... vocally express what I want to say to you, so I'd rather... you look into my mind, and first look through my memories that... include you and feel how I felt during those memories."

"... Okay? I mean, are you sure you're okay with this??" Fitz asked.
"Fitz, I'm asking you to do this." Dex said. "Please?"
Fitz held Dex's gaze and he saw that Dex seemed nervous, but determined to go through with this.
"... Okay." Fitz nodded.

Fitz gently took Dex's hands into his and he shut his eyes. Dex watched as Fitz went into a focused state. It felt like time stopped. Everything was quiet, everything felt still. Dex stayed silent, shutting his own eyes too.

After a few moments, Fitz had managed to slip into Dex's mind.
'You're sure about this?' Fitz had said into Dex's mind.
'I'm sure about this.' Dex had answered in his own mind.
Dex's mind felt more calm than Fitz had expected it to feel. His mind was still a little chaotic though.

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