Chapter 31

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Keefe glanced at Dex once he sent Tam a message on his imparter. Keefe kept his gaze on Dex for a few moments as Dex stared out into the ocean. He seemed to be in deep thought about something, so Keefe sighed as he set his imparter aside.

"Something on your mind?" Keefe asked, gently nudging Dex in the arm.
Dex blinked and he looked at Keefe.
"Oh, it's nothing." Dex smiled at Keefe.
Keefe raised his eyebrows.
"You sure? Is something bothering you?" Keefe tilted his head.
Dex shook his head.

"No, I'm just..." Dex trailed off. "... I've just been really happy with how things turned out recently."
Dex looked down at the sand of the beach and he ran his fingers against the grains of sand. Keefe felt himself smile as he looked at Dex. He did seem genuinely happy.

"How's your relationship with our dear Fitzy-poo?" Keefe asked.
Dex's smile seemed to grow as he looked at Keefe.
"Really good, actually." Dex nodded. "He's really sweet... And he's taking me out on a date this weekend."

"You guys haven't been on many dates?" Keefe furrowed his eyebrows.
"Unless if you count family dinners and going to that Vacker family picnic, then no." Dex shook his head. "It's an official date and I'm excited for it to just be the two of us."

Keefe smiled, but his attention was brought to his imparter which went off. Keefe grabbed his imparter and saw that Tam messaged him back. Keefe bit his lower lip.

"... Uhm, not to like... ruin your date with Fitz, but what if- what if we made it a double date?" Keefe questioned, looking at Dex.
Dex raised his eyebrows, clearly taken aback from Keefe's suggestion.
"I'm assuming you want... Tam to be your date?" Dex questioned. "W-why would you want your first date with him to be a double date?"

"Well, uhm..." Keefe fiddled with his imparter. "Now, I know I may appear charming all the time but I am a nervous wreck when I'm with someone I really like. Soo... I think I'll feel less nervous if I'm with two other people who I trust and if I make a wrong move or get too nervous, you or Fitz could pull me aside and just boost my ego up, y'know?"
Dex bit his inner cheek.

"... One second." Dex said, taking his imparter out from his pocket.
Keefe blinked and he smiled as he realised what Dex was going to do.
"Show me Fitz Vacker."
A moment passed before the image of Fitz appeared.

"Hey, I thought you were with Keefe?" Fitz smiled at Dex.
Dex smiled back.
"I still am... it's just, Keefe wanted to know if he and Tam could join us on our date? Make it a double date?" Dex asked.
"If Tam agrees to go on a date with me!" Keefe added.

Fitz blinked and he stared at Dex.
"I was really hoping it'd just be the two of us." Fitz frowned.
"I know, I know." Dex said. "But, it's Keefe. You don't want him to mess up with Tam and ruin his dating life forever, do you?"
"... You have so much faith in me, my dear friend." Keefe frowned at Dex.
Dex smiled at Keefe before he looked back at Fitz.

"Well?" Dex questioned.
Fitz pondered for a moment before he sighed.
"Fine." Fitz said. "Let me see Keefe."
Dex handed his imparter to Keefe and Keefe smiled at Fitz.

"You owe me one." Fitz stated sternly.
"What? Why do I owe you-?" Keefe began.
"Because this date was going to be special! Super special!" Fitz exclaimed.
"Fitz, you guys are too young to be engaged." Keefe stated.
"Wasn't gonna propose, thanks Keefe." Fitz rolled his eyes.
Keefe grinned.
"Okay, okay. I owe you." Keefe said.
"Good, let me see my boyfriend now." Fitz said.

Keefe gave Dex his imparter back and Dex smiled at Fitz.
"Okayy, thank you so muchh~! I love you!" Dex exclaimed.
Fitz's cheeks turned red and he sighed.
"Yeah, yeah... I love you too." Fitz mumbled. "Hail me later on, okay?"
"I will. Bye-bye." Dex nodded.
"Bye." Fitz said.

Fitz disconnected and Dex looked to Keefe.
"Dare ya to hail Tam and ask him out right now." Dex grinned as he put his imparter back into his pocket.
"... A dare is a dare!" Keefe shrugged, holding his own imparter up.
Dex couldn't help but giggle and he stopped himself as Keefe took a deep breath.

"Show me Tam Song." Keefe said.
Dex watched as Tam seemed to connect after a few moments and Dex stayed out of sight and decided to stay silent to not embarrass Keefe.
"Messaging me first, leaving me on read, and then hailing me? You're an interesting guy, Sencen." Tam stated, a small smile on his face.
Keefe smiled and he rolled his eyes.

"I just... I wanted to ask you something and I didn't want to ask it over a message." Keefe said.
Tam raised an eyebrow.
"What do you want to ask me?" Tam asked.
Keefe gulped and he bit his inner cheek.

"Welll~ I was just thinkingg... Dex and Fitz are going on a date this weekend." Keefe stated. "Aandd... well, I just thought about how fun it would be to ruin their time alone by making it a double date."
Dex rolled his eyes, smiling at how Keefe was going about this.
"So, would you... want to go on a double date with me?" Keefe asked.
Tam furrowed his eyebrows.

"... And this is just to ruin Fitz and Dex's time alone?" Tam questioned.
"Well, that's just a bonus to being on a date with one of the most prettiest guys in the Lost Cities." Keefe shrugged.
Tam's cheeks turned red and he smiled.

"One of the most prettiest guys?" Tam questioned.
"Well obviously, I rank higher than you because of my beautiful hair." Keefe grinned, running his fingers through his hair.
Dex brought a hand over his mouth, trying to stop himself from laughing.
Keefe glanced at Dex and shot him a glare before he smiled back at Tam.

"... You're a dork." Tam stated. "And I will join you on this double date. Purely for the reason it ruins Dex and Fitz's date."
"Oh, of course. What other reason could there be to join me on a double date?" Keefe shrugged.

Tam rolled his eyes.
"Message me the details, Sencen." Tam said.
"I will." Keefe smiled at Tam. "Talk to you later?"
"Yeah, talk to you soon." Tam nodded.

Tam then disconnected and as soon as the image disappeared, Dex burst out laughing.
"I can't wait to watch you act like a huge mess during our double date!" Dex exclaimed.
Keefe's cheeks turned red from embarrassment.
"Shut up..." Keefe grumbled.

"Well, I guess you don't need me to help with anything anymore, huh?" Dex said, getting up from the ground.
"You don't wanna hang with me for a little longer?" Keefe asked, tilting his head.
"Well, do you have something in mind of what we can do?" Dex questioned.

"... Prank my dad?"
"Keefe, that is so mean, why would I-? Yeah, sure. Let's go."
"You're the best, Dexter!"


Word count: 1206

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