Chapter 11

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"You're going to Rimeshire?" Biana questioned as Fitz grabbed a rose from a vase of flowers that they had in the halls.
Fitz then continued to walk towards his bedroom.
"Well, I need to let Dex know that he'll be coming along for the family picnic, and when he hailed me, he just seemed... off. I wanna make sure he's okay." Fitz said, fiddling with the flower in his hand.

"And... a rose is going to help bring his mood up?" Biana questioned.
Fitz's cheeks turned a little red.
"... It's erm... it's romantic though, right?" Fitz questioned, looking at Biana.
Biana couldn't help but grin.
"Oh, you're in love with him." Biana stated.
"Shut up." Fitz huffed, looking away from his sister.

"Okay, yep, gotta get outta here before I murder you~!!"


Dex let out a whine as he laid back onto his bed. Dinner was horrible. Dex kept getting embarrassed by his dad, and by Rex and Bex. Lex seemed to be a little upset that Dex was dating Fitz, and his mother was trying to ask questions like a normal person would, but couldn't due to the other three family members being menaces.

"Dex! Your boyfriend is here!"
Dex instantly sat up and warmth rushed to his cheeks as he heard his mother call for him. Dex furrowed his eyebrows as he got up and made his way towards the door, exiting his bedroom once he opened the door.
What was Fitz doing here?

Dex hurried down the stairs and he saw Fitz nearby the front door, talking to his mother. Dex furrowed his eyebrows as he went over and stood beside his mother.

"Hi?" Dex smiled at Fitz.
"Oh, hey!" Fitz smiled at Dex.
"This... is for you."
Fitz held the rose towards Dex and Dex's cheeks turned red as he felt his mother's gaze on him.
"Thanks." Dex said, taking the rose and fiddling with it.

Dex glanced at his mother and she raised an eyebrow at him.
"I don't want to be rude, mom, but could you... leave?" Dex said, a little nervous.
"Mmh, well... let me know if Fitz is going to stay over." Juline said, ruffling Dex's hair.
"Wha-?" Dex furrowed his eyebrows.
Juline walked off and Dex looked at Fitz and he noticed that Fitz had a bag.

"Okay, you're full of surprises this evening." Dex said, still twirling the rose in his hand.
Fitz smiled at Dex.
"You just... you seemed off when you hailed me. I wanted to come by and if you're fine with me staying over, then Biana is gonna cover for me so that my parents don't know I snuck over here." Fitz said.

Dex blinked.
"Your- Fitz!" Dex scowled.
Fitz raised his hands in defense.
"Hey! I just wanted to make you feel better!" Fitz exclaimed.
"I am perfectly fine, thank you-!" Dex began.

"Is that Fitz I hear?!"
Dex grimaced as he heard Bex yell.
"Okay, we are running to my room, and I need to lock the door so that the triplets don't interrupt us!" Dex exclaimed, grabbing Fitz's wrist and dragging him towards the stairs.
"M-maybe don't say that so loudly? In case your parents get the wrong idea-?" Fitz suggested, his cheeks turning red.
Dex's entire face turned red and he shot a glare at Fitz.
"You, shut up. Please."

Dex had managed to drag Fitz to his room without the triplets stealing away Fitz's attention and interrogating him now knowing that he was Dex's (fake) boyfriend.

The door was locked and Fitz was looking around Dex's room as he set down the bag he had around his shoulder.
"Seriously, why did you come over?" Dex asked, making his way to his desk.
Dex set the rose onto his desk. He'd put it in a glass of water later on.

"Like I said, you seemed off earlier." Fitz said, going over to Dex's bed and sitting down on it.
"And... I managed to talk to my parents, they agreed to let you join us for the family picnic."
"Oh? Really?" Dex furrowed his eyebrows, going over to Fitz.

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