Chapter 18

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"You saw and heard everything, didn't you?"

Dex and Biana had entered Biana's bedroom. Dex instantly made his way to Biana's bed as Biana shut her bedroom door.
"Yeah. I literally followed Fitz all the way to the front door." Biana said, smiling at Dex as she made her way over to sit next to Dex on the bed.

"My brother is definitely smitten with you." Biana stated.
"I mean... 'I like being this close to you'! Like, c'mon. He's so into you."
Dex's cheeks turned red and Dex looked at the floor.
"I don't think so. I mean, he told me that I'm not the guy he's looking for when he said that we can't fall in love with each other." Dex said, kicking the floor with his foot.

Biana smiled as she stared at Dex.
"He smiled so much when you kissed him." Biana said. "If he didn't like you, why would he be so happy about you kissing him?"
Dex rolled his eyes.
"Biana-" Dex began.

"You're a strange guy, Dex." Biana stated. "You don't like how Fitz may not like you back, that he's doing all of these kinds of things with you without any sort of feelings of attraction towards you, and yet you want to deny the fact that my brother is totally falling for you!"
Dex looked at Biana.

"... I like the idea of him liking me back. It just... it doesn't seem possible, do you know what I mean? "Dex questioned, shuffling back slightly and lifting his legs up onto the bed.
Dex wrapped his arms around his legs, his hands holding onto his ankles.
"And... I don't know. I like the idea because then I feel less bad kissing him whenever I get the chance because of my own selfishness..."
Dex stared at the ground.

"But... he made that rule to not fall in love with each other. Doesn't that prove he doesn't plan on falling for me?" Dex questioned, looking at Biana.
Biana scoffed, "Dex, you can't help who you fall for."
Dex shrugged.
"Yeah, okay... but you get my point, right?" Dex asked, tilting his head.
Biana stayed silent for a few moments.

"You know what I think you should do?" Biana asked.
"What?" Dex questioned, letting his feet fall back onto the floor.
"Take more advantage of this fake dating thing." Biana stated.
"If Fitz becomes uncomfortable with it, he will tell you to stop, but if... if you go to a length and he doesn't tell you to stop? He's... he's definitely fallen for you."
Dex's cheeks turned red.

"I... I'm not good with being so forward, though." Dex said, scratching his jaw. "And... Isn't that selfish? Or what if Fitz is just okay with literally anything?"
Biana huffed.

"Dex, I know what my brother is like. You think he would let a stranger or one of his fangirls make out with him when it's unnecessary?" Biana questioned.
"Well-" Dex began.
"Do you think he would go through lengths to make sure you're... not angry at him? That he actually acts like a boyfriend towards you when there isn't anyone around for him to fool?" Biana continued to question.
"Biana-" Dex rolled his eyes.

"My brother is falling for you, and for you to get him to realise his emotions, I personally think you should take this a little further." Biana said, smiling at Dex.
Dex looked at Biana.
"But what if I ruin everything?" Dex whispered. "What if I cross the line and he... doesn't even want to be my friend?"

Biana brought her hand to Dex's cheek, caressing it for a few moments as she smiled at Dex.
"Trust me. You won't ruin anything, sweetheart." Biana said softly.
Dex took a deep breath and he gently pushed Biana's hand away.
"... I'll think about it." Dex said.

Dex then got up from Biana's bed.
"I should go." Dex said, turning around and facing Biana.
"Uhm, I told Fitz I'd say bye once I talked to you. And my dad wants me to help him out with making some elixirs."
"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then, Dex." Biana smiled.
"Yeah, see you." Dex smiled at Biana.

Dex turned back around and made his way to the door. He opened it and left Biana's room, shutting the door behind him. Dex took a deep breath before he made his way to Fitz's bedroom. Dex made it outside of Fitz's door and he knocked on it, waiting for a response.

"Come in!" Fitz called.
Dex took another deep breath and he opened the door. Dex looked in and saw Fitz was laying on his bed.
"Hey." Dex said, entering the room and shutting the door behind him.

Fitz sat up and he looked over.
"Oh, hey. You and Biana done talking?" Fitz asked.
Dex smiled and nodded as he made his way over to the bed. Dex sat down on the bed and shuffled to sit in front of Fitz.
"Yeah, I'll be leaving in a few minutes. Decided to say bye to you, like I said I would." Dex said.
Fitz hummed, nodding.

"Can I know what you two talked about?" Fitz asked, tilting his head.
"Eh, nothing really. Just a bit of gossip." Dex waved his hand in dismissal.
Fitz nodded once again.

Dex bit his inner cheek and he fiddled with his hands.
"Before I go, erm... is it fine if I kissed you once more? Just for practice, of course." Dex said, looking at Fitz.
Fitz blinked but he smiled slightly, nodding.
"Sure, yeah... go ahead." Fitz said.
Dex bit his lower lip and he shuffled a little closer to Fitz.

Dex leaned in and he rested his hands on his own lap as he kept his gaze on Fitz. Fitz gently cupped Dex's face as he also leaned in. They pressed their lips together, like they have multiple times before, and shut their eyes.

Dex's heart was going crazy. Especially as he thought to what Biana had told him just minutes ago.
'Take more advantage of this fake dating thing.'
Dex felt it was a little selfish, but... Biana believed that Fitz was falling for him, and like she said, if he was uncomfortable with it, he'd just stop Dex from going any further.

Dex's hands now rested on Fitz's lap now. Dex definitely felt Fitz tense up a little, but he didn't pull away. Dex leaned in closer, tilting his head to deepen the kiss. Fitz's hands slid to the back of Dex's head, his fingers entangling themselves in Dex's hair.
Dex sort of hesitated as he brought a hand to Fitz's chest and pushed him back gently. Fitz leaned back slightly, taking a hand away from Dex to hold himself up on his bed.

Dex pulled away slightly, instantly feeling strange about what he just did.
"I'm... I'm sorry-?" Dex began, opening his eyes and furrowing his eyebrows as he looked down at Fitz.
Fitz looked up at Dex and he gulped as they held eye contact.
"Don't be." Fitz said, his voice quiet as he gently tugged on Dex's hair.
"That was... nice."

Dex felt his face burn up and he backed away, sitting up properly, causing Fitz to take his hand away from Dex.
"Right, yeah... Uhm... I need to go. Or else my family will tease me!" Dex exclaimed, getting up from the bed.
Fitz sat up and watched as Dex dug out his home crystal from his pocket.

"Hey, wait." Fitz furrowed his eyebrows at Dex, who seemed all jittery now.
Fitz got up from his bed and gently took Dex's hands into his as he went in front of him.
"Seriously, don't panic. I-I didn't mind that." Fitz said, his cheeks turning red.
"That kiss was... nice."

Dex looked up at Fitz.
"I-it wasn't too much...?" Dex tilted his head at Fitz.
Fitz shook his head.
"No, no... not really." Fitz said.
"Gosh, seriously, don't worry about it, darling."
Fitz leaned in and pressed his forehead against Dex's.

Dex felt himself smile as he looked at Fitz.
"You call me 'darling' in private more often than you do in front of people." Dex said.
"Am I not allowed to, darling?" Fitz smiled, tilting his head.
Dex bit his inner cheek, unable to stop himself from smiling.
"You're allowed to, pretty boy." Dex said.

Dex then quickly placed a little peck on Fitz's lips before backing away and holding his home crystal up.
"I'll see you tomorrow, Fitz." Dex said.
Fitz blinked and he smiled at Dex.
"Bye, Dex." Fitz said, bringing his hand up to wave at Dex.
Dex then light-leapt away and Fitz was all alone again.

Fitz brought his hand up to his lips and he took a deep breath as he could still feel the sensation of Dex's lips against his.

Yeah, Fitz was definitely breaking his first rule of this whole fake dating thing. He was falling for Dex, and he was falling for him hard.


Word count: 1509

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