PART : 4

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As she rested sometime she woke up and searched for something to eat her stomach was growling she was hungry and didn't ate anything.

She unpacked one bag in which her mother gave her snacks and instant making food she took along with her as she took snacks her mother packed for her and eat it.

After eating she was checking out the room and looking around then she saw the mirror and she realized something her earring was missing she got sad as that earring was her favorite and special to her because her father gifted it to her.

As she dropped a lone tear while she writte this in her personal diary. Missing her family. She went to bed and went to her dreamland.

As she woke up in the morning she got late 🤷‍♀️ AGAIN.. getting ready she checked herself last time in the mirror and taking her bag ran out of the apartment.

The first thing came in her mind how to find a bus and what to do getting nervous and anxious the thought of getting late on first day of university making her tensed.

She went to bus stop by running she bumped up with a girl.


"Areee devaaaaa.."
("Oh my goddddd")

i screamed when bumped on that girl..

I got late and now I bumped on this girl and she said,


"Maf krra ( I am sorry ), I am sorry please..."

I said cutting her sentence off before she could curse...

And she stopped and I looked at her and she looked at me and we realized we both understood what we said...

But right now I am getting late and have no time to ask but she said


As I looked at her in hurry,

"India se ho?"
("Are you from India?")

she said and i nodded my head signaling yes and

"I am too.."

she said and we both stop by the bus stop she told me how to get a bus card and bus and how to reach to the university.

As we went in same bus she took my ticket for today as we were getting late she told me.

She was also in the same university but different department. And she also came here 4 days before.

As we walked in university gate we got apart as her department building was infront of the my department building. we went towards our respective classes.

But I didn't know where the classes are held so I asked a girl coming from behind

" Hey can you help me please where is the classes are held for the IBM lecture"

she heard me and said

"Yes I know go straight and take a right wait, come I'll show you i am also going in same class."

As we walked she said.

"I am lina and you?"

She said and asked me

" I am shravani"

I smiled at her and we came to the class room as we walked in classroom we saw there were only students in class and no teacher

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