PART : 12

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My tour went well in fact it was a hit. My concerts and the schedule for the music show and recordings are completed now everything went well and everything that had planned is done now and now for next two months I dont have any schedule. So I thought to give an visit to my company tomorrow.

I came to my company as I had a meeting with my new co-partner and business partner for discussion of the new business.


Jungkook came in building his expressions were as always cold and unreadable everyone is greeting him with saying good morning and he is not even looking at them and walking towards his cabin and his assistant following him trying to match his speed more than she is running with her heels balancing herself well aware if she looses her balance she's gonna fall and she can't miss a single word said by her boss if she does either she will loose her impression or either her job because her boss is don't like to listen explanation so she better walk faster and chase him.

Suddenly he saw an employee who was on call and she bumped onto him the horror can be seen in her eyes she immediately said sorry for n times but as expected the thing she was afraid was happened.

"I am sorry sir." She said in a stumbling voice.

"You are fired. Miss T. Give her resignation letter and I don't want this kind of employees in my company, make sure I won't see her in my company again." Jungkook said to his Assistant

"But sir.." his Assistant tried to convince him but got an glare from him.
He moved forward from there toward his cabin.

"I am sorry sir I didn't did it on purpose.." she said while holding her tears back.

As an artist he had this very sweet and charming personality and he is that kind of person always in reel and real life too but when it comes to his business he is this arrogant rude and ruthless CEO you find in fiction books most of the time.. he don't like imperfection he wants everything perfect and discipline is the first priority for him. Everyone is afraid of him and frightens when he enters in the company.


I knew she did it on purpose she had seen me and acted as if she bumped on me accidentally because the cup of coffee in her hand don't even had a coffee and I saw her looking at me as she was in my way infront of me. I don't know why but it is so annoying it wasn't first time she did this. That's why I fired her at the moment.

"Sir you have meeting now with the business partners for the new project and the guests are waiting for you in the meeting hall." Tia my Assistant said following me. I nodded to her.

I came to meeting hall with my assistant and saw my business partners were waiting for me.

"Good morning MR. KIM, Good morning MR.PARK, good morning MR.MIN ,good morning MISS. Kim and good morning MISS. LEE, hope I didn't made you wait for long." I said to them.

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