PART : 24

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Shravani went home

"Hey why are you so late? And what is this files? why you have so many files in your hands?" Sharanya bombarded with questions while shravani still standing infront of door with holding the pile of files in her hand.

"Will you let me get in first atleast?" Shravani said while standing still infront of door.

"Oh yeah get in let's go.." sharanya said while taking files from Shravani's hands.

They both went in their apartment and shravani directly slept on couch while sharanya put the files on table and started to check one of them and looking at shravani she asked..


"Will you tell me what happened now I was so in worry that you didn't came and look at you, you are two hours late and not even explaining me why you are late..I was trying you were out of range..I was so scared and worried.." sharanya asked while being worried.

"I am sorry..." I said while I was feeling like I started to cry.

"What happened..?" sharanya asked worriedly while she hugged me and started patting my back

"What happened.. atleast tell me you are making me even more worried now.." she said worriedly..
But I wasn't in mood to talk about it so we had dinner, wrote my diary and slept.


While crying she wrote everything that happened earlier in her whole day she didn't stick any stickers on the page..she was furious after all.. and had a bad mood and didn't had any mood to so she just wrote everything in her diary. She closed the diary with a thud and then went to... no!! not to her dream land but to study but unable to study she went to sleep and slept...HEY CUTIES..remember me..😆😆 I thought you forgot me..


In morning I was not feeling good and had bad mood so I slept till late as its Saturday and we have holiday on Saturday Sundays.. I was so stressed and feeling like crying so I started to cry..

"What happened..?" sharanya asked worriedly while she hugged me and started patting my back

"What happened atleast tell me you are crying from yesterday and making me even more worried please shravu.." she said concern visible in her voice..

I don't know what I did in my previous life to have such kind of girl as my best friend...Whenever I want someone she is always next to me..I am thankful to have her next to me..

And after sometime I stopped crying and told her everything that happened yesterday from morning to evening.

"Oh my God.. is he serious? let's go we'll break his some bones.." she said while clenching her jaw.

"No I don't want to see him please.." I said while wiping my tears off.

"How could he do that with you.." sharanya said while getting angry.

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