PART : 30

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Sorry my dove's... I was busy last two weeks.. that's why I was unable to update but here it is.. I hope you will enjoy reading..

It's really important my dove's please vote and comment on the story... your votes and support keeps me inspired to write the please follow, vote, comment and support..




I know everyone was looking at me because I didn't complimented her but I am not going to do it..I thought and was on my way back to cabin as I don't have any meeting now so I was going through stairway. Enjoying as no one was around.

"Mr. JEON.." a familiar voice came from behind, when I turned around and saw it was right person that I thought of and I started to walk faster.

"Not Again.." she said while running in my direction.

Why she is following me what she has to say this urgently? And I also started jogging.

"Listen to me..." she said while running ahh you tryna have a race with me?, then I started to run a bit fast.

When I was looking and analyzing where to go because she was fast enough to catch me but then, she held my hand and pulled me but before I can understand or balance myself, we both fell on floor she was under me I put my hands beneath her head so that she won't bump her head on floor. I was looking at her and she was looking at me but I got flashbacks from morning how she pushed me and embarrassed because of me looking at her so I was about to stood up when,
She pushed me a bit and stood up again why you have to do that?, I also stood up.

"What is your problem Miss. Shredder?" I asked her in furstration why she is so stubborn?

"What?" She asked me while looking at me confused.

"What is your problem?" I asked her while cleaning my clothes.

"No not that what you called me?" She asked me raising her one eyebrow wohh how can she do that? I also want to do this I'll practice this later.

"Miss. Shredder.." I said while raising my eyebrows more like mocking her.

"Are you.. Ohh.. its shravani not shredder.." she screamed in furstration.

"I will call you shredder or anything I want any problem..and why are you following me from morning and why can't you walk carefully?" I said while being cool.

"My name is shravani and why are you running like you saw something like ghost or wild animal.." she asked me in furstration? May be.

Little lady you are not less than them.. I thought controlling my laugh.

I looked at her, she was looking like she is in a mood to fight but I am not.

"Whatever get back to your work go.." I was about to go as this is time wasting, when she held my collar and pinned me on a wall.

"What are you doing?" I asked looking at her as it was unexpected move she took.

"I came to say something and you are going to listen to me today at any cost understood?" She said while holding my collar with more power, anger and frustration was visible in her voice why she gets frustrated easily.. little angry bird...

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