PART : 19

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And I went to upstairs for my meeting with taehyung, jimin, Miss.Kim and Miss. Lee..

I entered the hall and saw they were discussing something but stopped as they saw me.

"Oh Mr. Jeon ,Come.." Miss.Kim said.

"Oh yeah.." I said and settled down on a chair.

"You really think what you did was right? Ethically right?" Jimin said in a slight bitter tone.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"About the thing you did today with those two interns.." taehyung said.

"How do you know?" I asked

"However we got to know but answer first our questions JEON.." jimin said.

"Yes jungkook you didn't even thought once, that they are new and learning things." Miss.Kim added.

"I don't think so he did something wrong.." Miss. Lee said lazily while playing with a sphere on table.

"Yeah they were late for the meeting don't you think I did right from next time they won't come late. " I said without showing any intrest in this conversation.

"Really so if they got late for 5 minutes and they will get punished like insults infront of other co-workers and standing outside for next 5 hours ? Dont you think it's way too harsh for a student who starting there career?" Jimin said in a bitter tone.

"I don't think it's wrong and I don't think I was wrong.." I said without any expressions on my face.

"Yeah, really? How ironfisted person you can be?" Taehyung said in a bit crossed voice.

"Why you people are so offended by this?, just forget it and focus on your own team's, I did what I wanted to do and that's my team anyway, so you have nothing to do with it, I can manage them by myself." I said in a sarcastic voice.

"Oh really? they are just interns and they are a part of this company that means they and their health ,safety and their care are also in our authorities they are under our authorities and we are and I mean five of us are responsible for them and their any problems, they are working with us because we needed them are you really a human or something like a monster Jeon how could you do that?" Taehyung said with a disappointing voice and expression.

"Wow now you people even calling me a monster just because I wanted to give them a lesson.. you know what you all have problem with morning you had problems with my skills and my professionalism and now have problem with my behavior and work." I said annoyingly.

" did that kind of stuff jeon.. you punished them like a ruthless man or I say monster..they were only five minutes late and you made them stand outside of the office for five hours does it makes any sense to you?" Jimin said.

"Jungkook this is extremely wrong, they are just college students who had first day at our company, we had decided we will welcome them warmly so that they can feel easy and comfortable with their colleagues and to build a trust between us so that they won't hesitate to tell us about their problems and discuss about anything, doing this kind of behavior you made them scared of you.." Miss.Kim said.

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