PART : 17

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*This part has some scenes where may be you can get triggered so if you feel uncomfortable or triggered please skip this part.*


We went to the department but we got late by 5 minutes.

And then..

"Is it time to come here?" He, our team leader Mr. Jeon asked.

"I am sorry sir, we will take care from next time." I said.

"No worries if next time this happened you will be no longer able to say sorry.." he said with raising his eyebrows.

"Means?" I asked.

"You will be thrown out at the very moment you make a mistake.. you know perfection is the main key of successful business. So I hope you will remember this and won't give a chance to make me disappointed." He said referring to us all team members,while seating on a chair and .

"Yes sir we will take care of it you need not to worry about it.." I said .

"Nice, but don't talk the talk only but walk the walk.."

"Yes sir, can we come in if you don't mind?" I said while gritting my teeth

"No, you may not.." he said.

"Ohk, no what?"I frowned as I didn't expecting his answer that he gave us.

"I see you have a hearing problem.. I said you may not.. did you listen it now or not?" He said raising his eyebrows.

"But why? We got late by 5 minutes only?" Raya said while I was looking at him he is testing my patience now.

"Are you giving an excuse.. Miss..?if yes then, I should tell you that, It's not only 5 minutes, you got 5 minutes late, disturbed everyone here and took another 15 minute to answer ,question and argue, so, the conclusion is that you wasted whole 20 minutes of your team mates and yourself too.., excuses are made up for losers, if you keep giving excuses like that you will be nothing but a mare you better come earlier next time otherwise you will be fired..because I don't believe in losers..understood.." he said while looking at us angrily.

"Understood sir." I said while managing the eye contact with him.

"Very good, you are a quick catcher I like people who understand things quickly so, now go out and stand there out side of the room near this door, till our meeting ends you will stand there, I hope you understood this also as you did before?" He said while giving a smile in attitude to us and we nodded but still he didn't felt enough of insulting us,

"Words, I want words" while raising his eyebrows he said.

I had enough of the insults but he is our leader and boss now so I said,

"Yes sir, we understood" and we went out of the room.

"Wahh, he is so rude, so grumpy, so cold, has an attitude and what not" raya said.

"Sanki kuthla..chidka cheetta.." I said.
(Eccentric person, angry cheetah..)

Time skip,

It was almost five hours we are standing here and my stomach is grawling now, I didn't did breakfast in morning neither I ate that sandwich it was a non veg sandwich. So now I am feeling hungry and tired already.

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