PART : 31

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Sorry for late update..

I was feeling uninspired and whenever I started thinking to write all I got was brain fogging.

But I don't want to disappoint you people so I am writing this I hope you will enjoy reading it..

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When I went home I rested for sometime..did dinner and was writing my diary..sharanya slept early today while telling me how her boss Mr. Kim is so annoying and she was tired so much because of the work and he makes the work even harder to annoy her..why I feel like this two have something in between them..always fight like an married couple..Haha I smiled to myself and proceed to write further.
When suddenly I remembered the moment the scene I saw earlier in his office came into my mind..they were about to kiss..ahh forget it..but why did I wrote it into my diary?? Now if I have written it so let it be otherwise it will look messy. What is happening to me now a days.
Writing my diary I went to sleep.

After a week,

It is Sunday today..I was stressed about results for whole week and they still didn't released them yet so I was thinking about the results but then raya called me and told me to check the results as they are out and now I am even more nervous about it. I immediately told sharanya and checked the results and as soon as I saw the result I WAS SHOCKED, I WAS NOT EXPECTING THIS..


It is Sunday today and I was doing my daily routine gym, practice, meeting with my same six friends like always having drinks with them then back house..and that's what a Sunday is all about I don't know why people says things like Sunday is funday I don't find any fun in it except practice and meeting with friends...

I was just came back to home from gym, when I got an unexpected call from the manager for an unexpected thing.

"Hello?" I answered the phone.

"Hello sir, good morning" she greeted me.

"Yes good morning what happened Ms. Han?" I asked.
"Sir, Actually I was planning to tell you this news face to face but here I am telling you this news.." she said in a slow voice.

"What is it?" I asked worriedly.

"Sir actually.." she said.


I saw the result it was beyond my expectations as I never thought that I will hold an rank in university and even top the exams and become a topper of our class and department.. it was good. Sharanya was dancing while jumping on the bed as she is also an rank holder and topper of their class and department. She called her parents and was telling them about her topping the exams and me also they were congratulating me too.

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