PART : 13

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Finally we are going to finish our first semester exams fast the time changed it feels like I yesterday came to this whole new country without anyone and look its already three months I am here with my friends and I proud of myself.. it is a thought that I should be proud of a girl who never went out of her city or state is living in a whole new country... thinking about this making me excited...but instead of thinking about this I should study for tomorrow's exam it is important...


Writing this into her diary she went not to her dream land...tum log bhi people are thinking wrong... into her studies...

Hey people remember me?..😆😆

From past three months She was having a great time here, enjoying her college life with her friends, having the best time of her her happiest moments of her life.. and I must say I never seen her this much happy...its good to see her happy..

Now she is having her exams and tomorrow it will be her last exam so let's see what happens tomorrow..


I woke up with a pain in my neck as I slept while studying on my desk
"Arghhh my neck..." I said in pain.

"Uth g majhi sonuli nai t aplyala paper nai deta yenar.."
(Wake up my baby otherwise we want be able to give exam...)
sharanya said while getting out of the bathroom.

"Aaaaaaa its nine o'clock already why didn't you woke me up earlier? " I said panicking.

"Get ready otherwise we gonna gate late.." she said while combing her hairs.

I got ready and we went to university,
we got off bus and ran towards the university gate...

"Here they both came.." laila said .

"Sorry we got late.." we said while panting heavily

"No you are not.. breath.." lina said in a concerning voice.

"let's go now.." raya said.

"Yeah let's know where are our seating arrangements for today..? Which hall we are in?" I asked.

"Yeah you and me are in same hall and sharanya and lina are also in same hall but laila is in next hall to ours.." raya said while looking at the list in her phone.

"Ohh, okay.." laila said.

"Let's go then all the best.." lina said

"Meet at canteen after the exam.." sharanya said.

"Noo we have to gather in our classrooms.." raya said

"Why" I asked

"She has to announce something.." raya said

"Ok then meet you there now let's go otherwise we get late..." I said.

After exam...

"Wow the question paper was difficult.." raya said while looking at the question paper.

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