PART : 18

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I was going to the new office were we are starting a new business and as we planned we hired the students interns. Today is the day we are going to meet the interns, so, Miss.Kim said we should give them a welcome speech and give them a warm welcome, as they are starting there career with us and our company we should give them a friendly environment so that they can feel included and a feel of ownership build up in them and also the operations team had some issues so we had to discuss it too. So we have to come early and discuss the matter of operations team and also to Welcome the interns.

"Arghhh.. I hate early morning office my head is aching.." I said to my self and I stopped my car infront of the building and saw there were four girls who was chit chatting more like fighting with each other why this girls are so loud and always chit chatting...

And then giving my car keys to the watchman to park my car into the parking, I went into the building. I always take stairs but today I went into lift because I am going to be late as it is already 8:40 am if I climb the stairs till 36th floor, I can climb them but it will take more than ten to fifteen minutes so I should just take the lift.

I went to the meeting hall were everyone was waiting..I entered in the hall and saw jimin and taehyung was discussing something then I joined them and after me Miss.Lee came,

"Good morning everyone." Miss. Lee said and tangled her hand around my forearm,

"Good morning kookiii" she said.

My head is aching even more I shouldn't had drank that much at night..arghhhh..and now this lady is making it even more worse of it..why she is always like this and I don't know it is so annoying..I thought and then freed my hand from her.

"Where is Miss.Kim?" I asked.

"She is on her way.. I called her just now.." taehyung said.

"Ohk.." I said.

After sometime she came and we were discussing the things..

"It's your team Mr. Jeon you have to handle the situation..the manager is not even know anything how we going to work you had to check out before agreeing to hire him.. how can you be so careless..?" Miss.Kim said.

"Yeah.. I didn't knew.. they were hired by the same manager who hired the other managers too and the manager who hired them is a professional how could you say such a thing to me..?" I questioned because it came up to my work and professionalism so it hurted me.

"Yeah..Mr. Jeon as a team leader it is your priority and it is your duty to check and keep updates from your team. I asked them yesterday about the strategy and plans for the future from your department and they all were so clueless and even manager didn't knew anything what kind of behavior it is.." Miss. Kim said while disappointment completely visible on her face.

"Miss.Kim for your kind information I did took five meetings and three presentation sessions and also did gave them directions for the projects time to time, which is barely done by you all..!! and about the manager, I will say the same as i said before that manager is hired by the same manager who hired other employees and it is about people I am not a psychologist to get into their brain and know what kind of person they are.." I said patiently.

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