PART : 21

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'Screeching sound of car'

I was already late by one and half hours and then this two girls came infront of my car. I just want to reach at the office and this happened..

"YOUUUUU CAN'T YOU SEE, YOU DUMBA** GET OUT OF THE CAR.." a feminine voice was screaming on my car and she came to my window and started to knock on it. Why it has to happen now I am in hurry they rescheduled the meeting two hours later just because of me and are waiting for me to start meeting but this has to happen.

"No.., come out you, I will teach you a good lesson.." she said but wait I have heard this voice before and I looked out of the window it was her that annoying the intern girl who answered back me what her name was yahh Miss. Shredder.

Now I have to get out so that I can get out them from my way. So I opened the door and went out and looked at them and I was right it was her and the girl who was fighting with taehyung. And I went towards them. Who knows Why she meets me wherever I go.

"Yah you just hit me with that car.." she said in a angry voice it was them who came in my way why this girl has to talk and fight with everyone and everywhere.

"It wasn't me it was you who came infront of my car.." I said.

"Oh really wow look, what he is saying as if I was waiting for you to come here with your car and to die in front of it.look Mr. It was red signal which means people can cross the road you are driving your car on road as if this road is your property. Apologize for your mistake." She said angrily.

"Yes.. it is my property, now get out of my way I have work to do understand?" I said she is getting on my nerves now.

I went to my car and sat in it ,Really girl I am THE JEON JUNGKOOK, not only people but their souls also fears me, I don't apologize ; I make others apologize. Who is she to tell me to apologize. What she think who she is to tell THE JEON JUNGKOOK to apologize. Only and only I don't have Time right now otherwise I had showed you, Whatever.

"You can't go without apologizing.." she said.

She said something in a different language I can't understand but she said something and with that she climbed on my car bonnet. Seriously I only have 30 minutes left for my meeting and this crazy girl has to do this.

"What are you doing get off of his car." Her friend said.

"No tell him to apologize first then only I will get down of this car.." she said crossing her legs she sat on the front bonnet of the car. Is she gone mad or she is already crazy what is she trying to do. Oh shit I am going to late because of this crazy idiot girl. I have to do something I won't be reaching in time if this drama is not going to end. What should I do JEON think something. And I took my mobile and called my bodyguard,

"Mr. San it's an emergency please bring my chopper in ten minutes. And come along so that you can take my car home along. "

"Yes master." He replied

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