PART : 11

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Week started and the guest lecture series too every entrepreneur was the best and gave lecture about their experiences and the business strategies everything was so well and helpful for us they all gave them advices. Whole week went well and without any chaos. Let's see what happens next...


"Wow whole week went nice and filled with knowledge now only tomorrow last lecturer and the guest lectures series will end." I said.

"Yess.." lina said.

"Yesss I am happy, whole week went well and without any chaos..." I said.

"Yess..let's see who tomorrow's guest lecturer will be.." laila said while pointing at the notice board.

"Are janedo kal ki kal dekhenge koi accha bhala business person hoga...let's go we will see tomorrow directly in lecture..." I said.

"Let's check the notification atleast.." raya said.

"Nahi chalo yarr kal dekhte hai surprise milega kon hoga wo.. sach mai koi accha business person hoga waise bhi surprise acche hote hai... let's go we will see tomorrow directly in lecture only" sharanaya said.

"Argghhh okay let's go..." raya said.

"Yess that's my good girls.." I said.

After getting out of the university...

"Meet you tomorrow...🤗🤗" I and sharanya said to raya lina and laila.

And went home.

"Chala aaj cha divs pn gela.." I said marking on the calendar.

"What are you doing?" Sharanya said.

"Nothing just ticking the date.." I said.

"Why?" Sharanya said.

"I am counting the days I survived without my family..." I said

"Ohh really??" She asked.

"Yeahh..." I said.

"But why?" she asked.


How will I explain her my father was against this decision of me to come here for study he said to me i can't even survive half day in here without him and no matter what I do, I will be always an disappointment to him.

"Ohh but I know why.."she said while smiling.

"You do? Then tell me, Why" I asked her.

"Yess you are missing them right.. mom's little baby you are..." she said teasingly.

"Yeahh really but heard someone crying in covers yesterday saying "mumma I miss you papa I miss you.."hummm" I said imitating her crying voice in a funny way.

We started to laugh.

"Chala zopa ata udya lavkar uthaychaye."
I said to her.

"Haa zopa" ata she imitated me in a funny way and taking her covers over her head she slept.

I smiled and putting my diary on its place I also went to sleep on my bed.

Next day:

"Wake uppppppp sharuuuu" Sharanya said in frustration.


Sharanya waking Shravani from past thirty minutes and here this girl not ready to wake up.

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