PART : 8

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Shravani's POV :

We went to the hall and woww what a wonderful party vibes that hall had it was all lighting up with disco lights and that bass and the music woww it was all dreamy I never saw this kind of thing till now..

"Let's gooooo...."
sharanya and lina said

"Yesss let's go...."
I and laila said.

The loud voice of music and this whole crowd and everyone was enjoying themselves it is so much fun we were dancing laughing and having fun. It was a new experience I was feeling as I am in a dream where I can have fun I can be happy and I can be me there is no one to remind me that I shouldn't be doing this things because I am a girl and I am not allowed to go and have fun with my friends. It was all new for me.. for the first time in my life I was this happy I was enjoying the happiness I got in the moment woww this is fun dancing with your friends, without hesitation or worry about people judging,being chaotic it was great.

"Hey it's fun.." sharanya screamed in this crowd and loud music.

"Yesssss.." I said and we danced.

Jungkook POV:

"Let's go back home..." I said

"Hey we came here let's go to the party atleast..." jimin said

"Yeah let's go kook we will have fun we used to have in our college time.."
Taehyung said with a smile on his face.

"Don't call me by that name and we left college years ago and if you want to go you can go enjoy it I want to go back home." I said being frustrated.

"Come on jungkook you love parties then why are you saying no?" Taehyung said.

"Jungkook atleast join us in hall you just watch us we won't force you to dance or anything else just join us."
Jimin said.

"Yeah JEON let's goo forget anything else just enjoy in the moment bro let's go.." taehyung said.

"You two won't listen to me right.."
I said in a slow voice.

"Never..." they both held my hands and took me with them to the party hall.

I love to go to parties it's like I forget everything about all the world and people around me it's like an escape from the world of reality it feels like a new world where is no one to watch you no one to judge you for what you are doing it's like it's only you and your enjoyment. But don't want to go to that party I don't know why but I am feeling weird about it. I don't want to go there I don't know what's happening to me.
But let it be may be it's just I don't want to make this two boys mood spoiled.

"And here we areeeee.." jimin said all excited.

"Let's go..." taehyung said

And I nodded and said
"let's go..."

As we entered in the hall I saw this crowd this loud music and people dancing everywhere...

Jimin and taehyung went to the dance floor and I went to a corner and sat there with a orange juice...😆😆

"Wowww what a party orange juice great...🙄" I said with a sigh..

After two hours later..

I was looking for taehyung and jimin where they are and I was looking everywhere for them but they were nowhere so I went upstairs to see there was DJ and the speakers was placed...

"Ohh this music is soo loud here..." I thought.

I was searching for them and there they are...dancing in center with this college girls and boys I am going home I have to leave but before I go, I have to inform I was going to them to tell but...

It was too crowded for me to go there so I have to make my way and when I was going I again bumped on a girl...and she was going to fall but I helped her and grabbed her by her waist and she grabbed my shoulder..


I saw those eyes again they are the same eyes and now again my heart is feeling that same thing it felt earlier no no noo JEON stop....

And I realized I was holding this girl all the time. I said sorry to that girl and I went to the direction where I saw her that girl the owner of those eyes where she was...

Ahh I was unable to see her face because of the girl I was helping I was holding her and that's why I was bent a little and this crowd I just saw her eyes between this guy's shoulder was in between...I went there where I saw her but Now she is nowhere what's happening..

"Ahhhhhh...." I groaned.

But why I am dying to see her she is not even someone special...JEON what is wrong with you...just forget it... I thought.

And went to taehyung and jimin. They were dancing like crazy...I called them but they were not able to hear me so I called them by tapping the shoulder of jimin and he held my hand and took me along to dance...and now I am trying to tell them I am going but they are not listening neither letting me go and made me dance along and here I am dancing with them but my eyes searching for the girl the owner of those eyes...

Shravani's POV:

We were dancing and was having fun but my life always has different plans for me as I saw the Mr.? What his name was ahh whatever it is the boy I met in the morning...what he is doing here?

I got tensed and I have to tell sharanya about this. But she was not able to listen to me.

And suddenly he started to move in our direction and now my heart is thumping like it will explode in any moment.

"Deva mi kay kru deva mi kay kru...."
("Oh God what should I do?")

I was screaming in my mind and then someone held my hand and took me in another side of the hall.

I was so startled by sudden action and I saw It was sharanya. I was this close to get out of this world.🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

"Thank God.." I felt relaxed and relieved....

"Oyee kya hua tu thik to hai na chehre ka rang kyu uda hua hai???"
("Hey what happened why you'r face looking pale?")
Sharanya said.

If I tell her now she will also get tensed I'll tell her later.

"Nothing.." I said with a smile

"Chal juice pite hai..." sharanya said.
("Let's drink some juice..")

"Haan.." I said.

Finally party has ended and we are going out of the hall but...


"How beautiful it is that someone's eyes could make your heart beat so fast when you don't want it to beat at all...."

What do you think where this just a coincidence or something more special than the coincidence?"


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