PART : 5

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After one week...


"Our university has planned a welcome party for us and that party will be held by tomorrow everyone do you remember or forgot already?"

I asked everyone in our group.
As we became good friends with doing this group activities taken by our professors.

"Yeah we did not forgot anything girl I am already done with the preparation for the party from jewellery to sandals from dress to lipstick everything is decided "

Raya said.

"Oh no I forgot to buy matching earrings for the dress..😥😥"

Lina said

"Should we go and do shopping today evening?"

I and raya said in one voice..and we all started to laugh. After class we went to canteen were sharanya was already present and waiting for us we went to the table were sharanya was sitting.

"Hey girls watts up?"

Sharanya asked.

"We are planning to go shopping today evening."

I said.

"Shopping haa cool..."

Sharanya said.

"Do you also want to join?"

I asked.
And sharanya said,

"Nekee or poochh poocch?"
(Why seek the permission of one you are doing a good turn to.)

And I smiled at her.while Raya asked her,

"So preparation is done for party or you are also same as our shra who doesn't even know yet that what she is going to wear in party?"

Sharanya started laughing as she said,

"Well I guess I am also like my bestfriend in this case.."

As we laugh a bit, when lina said with excitement,

"Hey you know who is going to be the chief guest of the event tomorrow..."

"Noooo" We all said in one voice in excitement.

And then she said,

"I asked prof. Park and she told me that there will be three businessmens of this country first one is Mr. Park who has his own fashion brand, another one is Mr. Kim the CEO of Kim industry's, and the last but not the least is Mr. ? I cant remember his name.. but he is also a businessman, three of them are successful businessmens and also successful in there modeling, acting and singing career. You know what they are successful businessmens at very young age and for this they are awarded with  many titles and awards."

"Wow..😮😮" we all said in in one voice.

"And you know girls with being successful and businessmen, they are hot too wow.." Lina added...

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