PART : 27

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After one week..,


It was night and I was listening to my favorite old Bollywood songs as I was waiting for sharanya.. she was going to take holiday's for me.. but I don't wanted to make her more tensed so I told her to join. I don't know what good things I did in my past life to have this good person in my life..

As it is last day of holiday I am grooving to the old melodies and sipping on my ginger tea when doorbell rang and I know who it is.

"I came back home..." sharanya said being tired she made her way on bed.

"Go get freshen up I'll heat up the food.." I said to her while on my way to kitchen.

"Yeah please my stomach is growling..." she said taking towel.

"Goo.." I said again.

And she went to get freshen up.
After she came we had dinner and she went to sleep ; I wrote my diary and went to sleep but nervousness took over me, it felt like tomorrow,it's my first day again in that company.

I was looking at the moon it was calming and beautiful to see. I was listening to a song about moon.

Its calming to look at the moon it looks so enduring and beautiful that no words can explain it's beauty it's so calming that I never wanted to take pictures of it but want to capture it's beauty through my eyes to look at it all the time all the feels good to look at it.

But have to sleep as from tomorrow the struggles and the marathon will start again.. as I have to go to that company again...again have to do those file work.

Oh yeah.., I remembered, I have to say thank you to him MR. JEON JUNGKOOK sharanya told me that he took me to the hospital and how she screamed on him. She shouldn't have done that I know she was scared and worried about me and she thought that it was him who was the reason behind what happened but I don't know actually why it happened may be stress may be the tension of my sister or may be tension of study and career or may be... I don't know but somehow he saved my life so I should thank him. And thinking about it I don't know when I slept.

Next Morning,

"Oyee.. let's go we are getting late..." sharanya screamed.

"Yesss" I said.

And we went to company,
At company,

"Hey.. hii.."
A voice came from behind as I was going towards our department, I turned back to see who it was, it was bright our senior the heartthrob of college,

"Oh Hello.." I said awkwardly.

He passed a sweet smile and ran towards me and we started walking together,
What is this why is he here? Is he also work here? Oh my God what if it is really going to happen? I thought in mind.

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