PART : 25

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After three days


I did the work that was given by that Mr. Cruella. Tirsat dokyacha manus ( fractious man ) I will show him today I can face all the challenges he will throw at me. I am not a weak girl who will loose very easily I won't be taking myself down. This is nothing but just a bit irritating to repeat the same files again and again that I already know what is written and what correction is need to be done but i have already done it.

While checking out those files, I understood that this tirsat manus ( fractious man) is doing this on purpose because only four of the files in this whole piles of files are useful for the present time and leaving this four files every file is of past years with the tag of data collected, means it's data is already computerized and this are no more needed in present time. But look he is making me do corrections in this files to make me stress.

I was thinking in my mind when my mobile phone started to ring. I smiled looking at the name who was calling me..

"Bol na.."(say) I said in excitement.

"Di..(voice of crying came)"

"What happened?" I asked worriedly.

"Di, papa came home drunk he and mummy are screaming on each other and fighting so badly.." her voice was stumbling and she was crying so badly.
My heart clenched at her voice. She was scared so badly.

"Where are you aru?" I asked tears started to build up in my eyes.

"I am in my room but they are fighting and screaming outside of my room I am sitting under my study table.."she said while crying.

" don't cry my baby.. you know I am here with you don't get out of your room be there okay?" I tried to conceal her while holding back my tears.

"Di I am scared please come here.."she said while crying.

"Don't be scared are my strong baby you know..listen do you have your laptop with you?"

"Yes.." she said.

"Start it and put on your headphones as we used to do before, you remember?"
I said while controlling my tears and emotions I have to be strong for her.

"Ok, di please don't disconnect the call please be with me.." she said while crying.

"Yeah, I am here don't worry.." I said while my tears were dropping out of my eyes.

It wasn't always like this we were a happy family but I don't know why and when our father started to drink alcohol and he became addicted to it. I told my mother to part her ways already but she denied everytime I asked her, whenever I asked why she said he loves us it's only his bad habit of drinking that affects him.

Actually it is true he loves us but isn't it toxic? Whenever he comes home drunk they both argue with each other screams at each other and throw things here and there. When this happened at first I was so scared till the point I didn't went out for two days, my brother was there for me and our sister to protect us , but then my brother went to another country to settle there and then it was me who had to handle this situations to protect her, to make her happy to be her side,to be next to her. Personally now I am feeling selfish for coming here for leaving my dream doing this all because my sister is alone there. I was thinking in my mind.

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