PART : 14

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It was a great time in jejusiland we had lots of fun there we created a lot of memories there as we returned Professor park contacted me and told me that I got selected for the interview for that internship and the interview will be held by tomorrow so I have to be there on time. Sharanya also got selected and is very glad about it now we are going to do shopping for the formal clothes. Raya and laila also got selected for the same organization and lina got internship In the J&M stardust co. Yesterday she had her interview and she passed in three rounds of interviews and got selected.

Now I am getting nervous about Tomorrow's interview this will be my third or fourth interview bit I am still nervous and I'm having this weird feeling in my stomach. What will happen tomorrow I am so nervous and frightened.

Whatever I'll give answers to every question confidently. Now I have to do shopping after shopping I will research about the company and the interviewe.


Before one week of the opening of the organization:-

"Miss. Aana, Did you find the employees for the remaining departments or not?" I asked my Hr manager.

"Yes Mr.Jeon I have interviewed and selected employees for the marketing and Human resource department but finance and operations departments are still have posts to be recruited" Miss. Aana my Hr manager said.

"What about them then?" I asked

"I am thinking about recruiting interns for the remaining posts as I called you for the permission if I should do that or not?" She asked .

"Is there any other people with experience? " I asked.

I dont want to say but, I am nervous about this business as my team and our investors trust and hard work is at stake I dont want to fail at any cost I am not saying that this students are not talented or something like that but I want assurance that the company and the business will have top notch people and experienced employees makes difference in the work.

"Sorry to say but, we already hired top notch experienced people and if we want to hire more experienced people we need to increase our budget for staffing as they know their role value and our need of employees so if we need the experienced employees either we need to increase the budget or either we should hire interns.. and you also know that we can't increase the budget..." she said.

"What you suggest then?" I asked.

"If you ask me I will suggest to hire interns instead as we have experienced people we can train the interns and also they can guide interns" she said .

"Ohh okay.." I sighed a little,

"We got no Choice then hire interns.." I said to her in a disappointing voice.

Because if we increase budget slightly it will affect the whole management we can't take risk about the budget as everything is prepared and well planned so I had to say that and I didn't thought of discussing this issue with other partners as they were already saying to hire interns so I told her to hire interns.

"Ok Mr. Jeon. I'll schedule interviews tomorrow." She said and I hang up the call.

Shravani's POV :

"𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚈" 𝚆𝙷𝙴𝚁𝙴 𝚈𝙾𝚄'𝚁 𝙷𝙴𝙰𝚁𝚃 𝚂𝙼𝙸𝙻𝙴𝚂..Where stories live. Discover now