PART : 15

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And then two girls came in lift.... they were wearing expensive clothes and looking like CEO.. following them three boys also came in lift..wait I have seen them before.. I was going to say this to sharanya but sharanya made me turn around... now I am facing the back side where was the mirror of the lift and the five people are standing back side of us..

"What are you doing?" I said.

"Shut up!!" Sharanya said in a low voice so that no one can listen her but why she is doing this. To know I looked in mirror and again my life played well those same three Mr. Businessmens. They are always together and meets us were ever we go. Arghh God please save us. We were looking at them from the mirror I think they didn't saw us they were standing infront of us but had there faces on opposite direction. But suddenly those two girls turned and now they were looking at those three boys. They were talking about something.


We had a meeting at the company and now going back to our companies. While entering in the lift , We were talking about the issue.. about hiring interns I am still not agree and don't want to hire interns but everyone is agreed to the fact already but still I said it's risky and taehyung said,

"Yeah jungkook it's not a risky decision so don't be tensed if something goes wrong Miss. Lee will take care of it right tia..." taehyung said smiling at Miss. Lee.

She rolled her eyes and said

"Yeah ofcourse I will.." she said looking at me.

"Oh really?" Jimin asked.

"Only for you...." she took a gap and said "..all people" scrunching her eyes while looking at me.

It made me uncomfortable I don't know why but yeah it made me uncomfortable.

And then the lift stopped on 10th floor and no one got out of the lift. Again stopped at 9th floor again no one got out off the lift.

"Why and who did this..its so annoying.." taehyung said.

And Miss. Kim and Miss. Lee were looking at behind us..And we also looked behind,

"What it is?" Jimin asked

There was four girls were standing facing the mirror and back facing us..

None of them once looked at us neither glanced at us,

And the door of lift opened at first floor and then four of them weared glasses and mask and then when the lift opened at ground floor they ran out .

"What was that?" Miss. Kim said.

I was so confused but taehyung was smiling like a weirdo..i never seen him smiling like this before, what made him smile like that?

He looked at me and was going to say something but Miss. Lee interrupted while holding my hand and she said
"Let's go jungkook we will have lunch together..."

While pulling me towards my car.
"Let's go we will do lunch together at your company and then I will go to mine office.." she said.

"I am sorry Miss. Lee but-" she cutted my sentence and said in between,

"𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚈" 𝚆𝙷𝙴𝚁𝙴 𝚈𝙾𝚄'𝚁 𝙷𝙴𝙰𝚁𝚃 𝚂𝙼𝙸𝙻𝙴𝚂..Where stories live. Discover now