PART : 32

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New update is here..

First of all sorry for the late update..,You know what, I was thinking about other stories to publish, and while thinking this; I am writing them side by side, but I think I should just compete this then publish other's.



It's really important my dove's please vote and comment on the story... your votes and support keeps me inspired to write the please follow, vote, comment and support..





I, taehyung and jimin went out of the hotel to go into that restaurant where these girls went and when we went in that restaurant the scene was terrible..


We went into that restaurant and we look for a table to seat there were only four people in that restaurant they were couples on different tables.

We went and sat on a corner side table because there was a big passage on both side it was comfortable with that we gave an order and was waiting for the order to arrive. I was looking the interior of that hotel it was looking classy but then I saw two mens who were sitting on front table were looking at our table, I thought it was a coincidence but I looked at them four times they were constantly looking at us. The way they were looking at us was creepy. I tried to ignore them may be they were looking at street from the window so I ignored them.

"Hey girls mind if we join in?" A manly voice came, Same two guy's came by holding two chairs and sat on both sides.

"Why? Don't you have other tables?" Raya said while showing them other tables.

"But sweetie they don't have beautiful human legs like yours.." one of them said while looking at lina's legs creepily.

"Enough of your bullsh** get away or.." I said while pointing my finger at them.

"Or..?" One of them said while holding my hand and smiling creepily.

"How dare you touch her.." sharanya said while she stood in her place and slapped the one who held my hand.

"You.." he said while he raised his hand in air to hit her but I gave an punch on his face by side and he held his face while whimpering in pain.

Second one stood in his place to fight but raya kicked him on his stomach he fell on the floor and while sharanya, laila and lina were looking at that boy and raya, other one guy was about to hit them with a steel rod when I hit him with a bamboo stick that was kept for decoration I think, he also fell with his friend and that's when we five started to beat them with kicks and purses.

"S..t..op.." one said while breathing heavily.

"Why are you stopping us now.., some minutes ago you were saying that this legs are beautiful so have a taste now.." lina said while kicking on his leg. When we heard a siren it was police car.

Then police officers came and took them away with them, the owner of the restaurant called them and complained about those boy's she told us.

Then we sat on the Same table again but the people around us was terrified. It was terrible situation to face and I was terrified too and I am sure others will be feeling the same. I was still looking here and there but the person I saw was the least person I wanted to see in my life.

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