PART : 26

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After coming back to my house from the hospital, I was still thinking about it but then my phone started to ring.
My father it was,

"Hello?" I said in furstration.

"Hello my son.." he said.

"What is it now?" I asked annoyingly.

"I have important things to discuss you better come home.." he said. Wow how straight forward he is not even ask me about my health or I had lunch or not..ah what i am even expecting from and from whom..

"Why? Isn't your elder son enough for your important discussion?" I asked furiously.

"Behave jungkook behave, don't you know how to talk to your parents?" He asked in a angry tone.

I scoffed and gave a sarcastic laugh,
"No my parents taught it only to their elder kid. So I don't know." I said in a sarcastic way.

"JEON yo-" he was going to say something but my mother took mobile from him,
"Jungkook my son I your mom i am telling you to come home my beloved son please.." she said in a sweet voice.

"Wow from when I became your beloved son?" I asked her sarcastically.

"Jungkookiee my son we are missing you please come back home atleast to meet us.." she said.

"I have important things to do I'll think about it.." I said and before they say anything I disconnected the call.

I hate how this people act fake always. Throwing the mobile on couch I went to take a bottle of alcohol. I took a bottle from fridge and started to drink it directly from the bottle in one go I drank one whole bottle and then took another one did same finally when started fourth bottle I started to feel dizzy all of a sudden it's way too much stress and anxiety to feel so just to ease it I drank it.


I was feeling so much tired. I was feeling like I have a stone on my head, my head felt so heavy, I tried to open my eyes and all I see was blurred white ceiling, my vision was blurred and I was not able to see clearly.

I closed my eyes and again opened them then I saw a room, white room and a voice can be heard which was sounded like a heartbeat. I thought I am watching a dream so I again closed my eyes and saw that same room same voice.

"Am I in heaven?" I said out loud but Then I watched here and there, there was a nurse. "What there are nurses in heaven?" I said confusingly.

I saw she went out while screaming something and then I again closed my eyes. Again opened my eyes and now I saw sharanya came from the door and she was calling my name.


As soon as the nurse came out screaming doctor I went to the room shravani was in. When I saw she was gaining her conciousness but she was saying something,

"Shravani...what are you talking?" I said.

"Sharanya also came in heaven?" She said out loud.

"SHRAVANIIIIIII..." I screamed in a hope that she will wake up and,

"𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚈" 𝚆𝙷𝙴𝚁𝙴 𝚈𝙾𝚄'𝚁 𝙷𝙴𝙰𝚁𝚃 𝚂𝙼𝙸𝙻𝙴𝚂..Where stories live. Discover now