PART : 35

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I was on my way to my cabin.. when I was passing by little shredders desk she wasn't there where is she? Wait but why do I care.

I went back to my cabin. When I was waiting for my Assistant to bring me coffee but while waiting I saw out of my window and I saw the desk where is she? why didn't she is there? I was thinking when my Assistant came with my coffee.

"Sir you're black coffee." She said.

"Yeah, thank you." I said and she was going back to her cabin,

"Ahh Ms. T," I said.

"Yes sir, you want something else?" She asked.

"Ah no actually" I denied should I ask her but what if she doubts on me?

"Yes?" She said with a questionable expression.

"Nothing.. you can go.." I said.

"Ohk sir.." she said and again was about to go again when I remembered something.

"Yes actually" I said while calling her again.

"Yes?" She again turned and said.

"Actually I wanted that file which I gave Ms. Shravani will you tell her to bring it to me?" I remembered eventually wow JEON you are so smart. What is this JEON I never even praised myself when I topped the university and you are praising yourself for a nonsense reason.

"Actually sir Ms. S and Ms. Raya went to their university and will come late today." She informed me but there was a hint of suspicion in her voice.

"Ohh they didn't took my permission..?" I asked while taking papers and pretending to read the papers which were on my desk so that I can look normal.

"Yeah you were in a meeting when she called me so I transferred it to Mr. kim and he gave permission to them." She said.

"Oh I see, ohk when they come tell her to bring me that file." I said while pretending to read the papers.

"Ohk sir.." she said.

"You can go now.." I said to her and she went out. Why I was so afraid to talk I mean I am the boss why would I answer her? Am I gone crazy? Is it possible that I lost my mind somewhere? Why was I trying to ask about her where abouts.

I was doing my work It was almost lunch time and I was taking glimpses of the window where I can see the employee's. They didn't came yet.


A wave of sadness can be seen on his face but he can't understand it why it was. He was looking at the window continuously taking glimpses and even going to check again and again. He is becoming restless as time is passing. He was wishing to get a single look of her but she was not there. Getting restless he wasn't able to focus on his work. So he just putted his head on his desk and waited for an hour. After two hours a wave of happiness appeared on his face when he saw her entering in department entrance. Smiling as always.

"𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚈" 𝚆𝙷𝙴𝚁𝙴 𝚈𝙾𝚄'𝚁 𝙷𝙴𝙰𝚁𝚃 𝚂𝙼𝙸𝙻𝙴𝚂..Where stories live. Discover now