Chapter 6 (Y/n)

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Inside the bathrooms were rows of stalls and then about 20 showers.

I guess with thousands of campers, they wanted to be prepared.

I picked a shower and lent the crutches outside against the wall.

When I stepped in and closed the curtains behind me, I stripped off my rags and was about to turn the water on when I realized that Leo hadn't given me any soap.

I cursed under my breath and began throwing my clothes back on.

My foot got caught in a rip in my pants, and I lost my balance, tumbling into the little wooden table and landing on the tiled floor.

More curses flew from my lips, and I turned to use the table to get up when I noticed the once-empty wicker basket beside me was filled with toiletries.

Vanilla shampoo, body scrub, moisturizer, and conditioner sat in the basket as clear as day.

I was sure the basket had initially been empty, but I didn't care; I just wanted to shower.

I hoisted myself up off the floor and turned the shower handle. The water was warm, and the nozzle pressure was just right.

I hadn't showered in days, and the amount of dirt that came off my body was not something to be proud of.

I scrubbed my hair vigorously. It had become more gray than white, but two washes later, it was back to its snow colour. I watched the filth sink down the drain.

After scrubbing myself down and getting rid of the blood and dirt, I stood there under the water, trying to get my life together. I tried to contradict every problem I came up with.

I was given a prophecy and quest, which I was told people rarely survived.

Okay, that's fine.

I wasn't human anymore; instead, I was the last of a dead race.

I'm okay with that. Who wants to be human anyway-

My thoughts were interrupted as a voice called out my name.

"(Y/n)?" I quickly turned off the tap and grabbed the towel, wrapping myself up.

"Y-yes?" I peeked my head out of the curtain.

Standing there was a girl with chocolate skin. Her hair was full of tight curls that crowded around her head. But her eyes are what stood out, glittering solid gold.

"Your eyes are just like mine." We both said in unison. The girl giggled,

"I'm Hazel. Leo sent me." She handed me a bundle, which I assumed were my new clothes.

"Thank you, Hazel." I smiled, and she left me be.

Jean shorts, socks, undergarments, sneakers and an orange shirt.

I held the shirt out in front of me, squinting to protect my eyes,

Right, because you can't use phones, or they'll attract monsters, their camp shirts are neon orange.


I got dressed and crutched my way out the door. Instantly, my hair dried- another perk of having a magical camp, I guess.

Just as I hobbled down the stairs, I looked up to see Leo, Chiron, and the boy with black hair and green eyes from before arguing behind a cabin. Chiron looked worried, his back hooves stomping, the boy with black hair flailing his arms around in wild gestures, his face angry, and Leo looked like he was going to be sick.

I had enough problems already, so I quickly turned around and was ready to head back to the big house when I ran into someone.

The goth boy stood looking dazed, his hand intertwined with the healer from earlier.

I mumbled an apology and made a mad hobble for the big house. My head was pounding.

"Wait!" I turned around to see the goth boy running to catch up.

"I-I'm Nico, and this is Will." He panted, extending his hand for me to shake.

"Um, hi? It's (Y/n) Hale." I felt slightly shocked; even the blond boy beside him looked bewildered. Leo had mentioned that this kid didn't like newbies.

"I need to talk to you," Nico said, trying to catch his breath. My head stung, and I squeezed my eyes shut.

Will put his hand on Nico's shoulder.

"Neeks, (Y/n) needs rest. For the Gods sakes, she fought a Chimera only an hour ago." His eyes narrowed in on me. "Plus, I heard that one of my patients got into a fight with Clarrise ten minutes after I wrapped her ankle, and I have a feeling I know who. Go take a nap, doctor's orders."

I nodded and went to the big house, grateful for the escape. Once inside, I wobbled to my room and collapsed onto the bed. For once, I slept without dreams.


Hello, Gumdrops!

Any theories on what Percy, Chiron, and Leo were talking about? And what did Nico need to tell (Y/n)? Let me know!

- Thesourgummyworm <3

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