Chapter 27 (Y/n)

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Shadow travel was an experience within itself.

My body felt as though it was ripping in two, my soul going one way, the rest of me the other.

The scene around me had lost all of its color. As grays and whites swirled around my vision, the air grew colder. I was used to the cold from the frost I created, but this felt like it was in my bones.

By the time we landed, I hadn't even noticed; I was too preoccupied with my stomach churning.

The seven of us were crammed in some dark space. There was a knee pressed in my back, an elbow on my cheek, and I could feel someone's breath on my neck.

"Ow, Someone's on my hair."

"That's my foot."

"Liam, move your shoulder."

"How do you know it's me?"

I couldn't see anything, but it was obvious there was not enough room for all of us.

My hand met the knee in my back, and I realized it wasn't a knee but a door knob. I yanked it open, and the seven of us toppled out of the closet. I lay sprawled out on a shiny white floor, the ocean churned behind the silver bars of the guardrail.

We had made it onto the boat.

I stood up, trying to regain my balance, but unfortunately, my stomach didn't agree with the sudden stillness. I made a beeline for the handrail, thankfully getting there before I threw up.

"Warn me next time," I coughed before wiping my lips and turning to Nico.

He leaned against Will for support, his face more ghostly white than before. He could barely keep his head up, and Will was basically carrying him.

"We need to find a room or something so Nico can sleep." His concern outweighed anything else.

Then, it hit me that I was an active leader on a quest with a crew of two children, a Naiad, a frantic boyfriend, and one comatose emo.

Not to mention a godly spirit in a hunk of metal and a convertible dragon.


Leo is a child, and there are no words to describe him other than his life motto. "This is why we can't have nice things" written all over him.

"Okay, we just-" I was interrupted by a boy on the other side of the boat.

"Tickets, please!"


We didn't have any, and he seemed to check every passenger. Not to mention, we looked a little plain compared to the other people on the boat.

Leo met my eye, and I could tell what he was thinking. I nodded, and we quickly split away from the group.

There was a large cloud of people, and I angled myself towards the woman at the front. We hit our shoulders, and both of us banged against the ground.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. Here, let me help you." I helped her grab her belongings off the ground, dropping them into her purse. I offered my hand and helped her up.

"It's alright, dear."

I smiled, walking into the crowd. Seven tickets were clenched in my hand.

They'd already been checked, so it wasn't like she wouldn't be able to go anywhere. Technically, she didn't need them anymore, and we did; the world depended on them.

I know it seemed cruel, but you don't spend a year on the street without knowing how to swipe a belonging or two.

Leo was right on time, reaching the group just as I did.

"From one street rat to another, your nonverbal communication is pretty good, Valdez," I muttered, and he nodded back at me.

I passed out the tickets as Leo gave us the accessories to blend in. He had a drink in his hand; he threw a red medical fanny pack at Will and shoved a surfboard in my direction just as the ticket boy made his way to us.

"Hello there, I'll take your tickets." He was eyeing Nico weirdly.

"He uh. He drank too much. Vacations, you know." Will mumbled, shifting his grip on his boyfriend.

I handed the boy my ticket. He looked up at me from beneath his brown hair, and then his eyes flicked to Leo beside me and then to Harley, who was between us.

I forgot about how much I had changed.

We probably all looked related.

"You make a cute family, though a little young. Is he yours?" He nodded towards Harley.

That's not what I was expecting, my cheeks flushing red.

Beside me, Leo made a choking sound, and I elbowed him in the gut when the ticket boy wasn't looking.

I was mortified, but I couldn't let him blow this.

"He uh. I-"

He kneeled down to Harley's level, ignoring me.

"Are you having fun with mommy and daddy?"

Harley put on a dumb smile, and I could see he was struggling. It must have been hard, considering how smart he was.

"Oh yeah! We're on our way to the water park and surfing pool!"

The ticket boy stood up as Leo touched his brother's shoulder. He turned to Liam, taking the rest of my friends' tickets.

"It's always nice having time with Dad; hey guys?" He directed the question at Melog, Will, and Nico.

What was with this guy?

But then I took a look around. The crowd was made up entirely of families; this was an all-family exclusive cruise.

Next time, I need to be more careful about what boat I jump onto.

"Enjoy the rest of your stay!" He smiled at me before walking away.

"I think he was flirting with you." Leo leaned down and mumbled in my ear. My cheeks deepened.


I elbowed him again

"Ow, what was that for?"

"You almost blew our cover!"

Melog stepped between us,

"Guys, I know the man said you, too, looked like you were together, but you're fighting like an old married couple. And we don't need that right now."

She pointed at the water beside us, bubbling and fizzing.

"What is that?"

"I don't know, but I can feel it. And whatever it is is not happy." She mumbled.

That's when the explosion sounded below the waves.

The ship tipped to the side, pitching me overboard with force.

I coughed and sputtered. Somehow, the water had gone from calm to roaring waves that pulled me under.

As the cold water sunk over my eyes, I thought that if I died, that left the fate of the world in the hands of Leo Valdez.

The camper on fire.

And I was not about to let that happen.


Explosions and Stealing are fun, right? Any idea what caused the explosion?

Comment and vote!

Love ya!

- Thesourgummyworm <3

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