Chapter 31 (Y/n)

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She just sat there, staring at me. 

I heard footsteps on the sidewalk behind me, and a cool hand met my shoulder. 

I flinched, and they pulled away.

"(Y/n), I saw what happened. Are you okay-...." 

Will's voice trailed off as he stared at the woman before me. 

Her plum-coloured cardigan spilled around her, her hair was dishevelled, and I couldn't help but notice the bags under her eyes.

You did this to her.

"Baby?" She reached across the split grocery bags and held my face. 

Tears crowded my eyes, and they trickled from hers.

"Is it really you?" I nodded. 

She lunged at me and pinned me into a tight hug. I tried to wiggle out of it; after what I'd just experienced, physical contact was the last thing I wanted. 

But she was strong.

"Are you alright? Are you hurt?" She pulled back, examining my face. 

Silver streaks of gray were scattered throughout her hair.

"Mrs Hale? I think it's best to take this conversation back to your house." She looked up at Will, whose brown eyes had softened.

"Who are you?" she asked, her hand slipping from my face. She clutched my hand tightly and protectively. 

He wasted no time pulling on a confident smile.

"I'm Will Solace, a friend of your daughter's." 

She looked at the rest of my friends, who were finally catching up behind me.

"Y-you're right. We have so much to talk about!" She gathered the splitting bags in her arms and began to stand.

"Actually, I have something I need to tell you." 

I reached out, stopping her, "At home, of course."

I collected a few of the bags and we walked to the apartment, which at one time, a long time ago, was my home. 

I walked up the door and stood on the stairs while she checked her keys. They fit every picture I remembered of it. The walls were still a baby blue, with the thin lace curtains. 

The living room and sofas where I had spent my first few Christmases were all still the same. I set the bags down on the marble counter and turned to see my mother already sitting at the table, the kettle boiling nearby. 

My friends stood in the doorway, unsure of what to do.

"Is it okay if my friends come in? They can stay in my old room while we talk if you'd rather."I

t was like she hadn't even noticed they were there until I pointed them out.

"Sure, I don't mind. The kettle's boiling if anyone wants tea?" 

She got up, taking out two mugs from the cupboard, "I just made cookies too."

"My room is at the end of the hall," I pointed at my door, though they all lingered for a second. My eyes made their way to the fridge; there were drawings I had made and photos of me all over it. 

One photo made my heart lurch. 

An ultrasound. 

That was me; I was part of her. 

She wouldn't think any differently of me. Right?

"So," she set two mugs of tea on the table, cupping hers close. "What did you want to tell me?"

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