Chapter 37 Leo

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My head was pounding. 

I could hear some sort of commotion, but no actual words, and the volume was killing me. All of a sudden, there was this sharp sensation. 

I inhaled, and a whiff of ammonia travelled up my brain. 

I felt my heartbeat quicken, inhaling through my mouth to avoid the smell. 

Suddenly, my eyes sprung open, and I doubled over, gasping. The world was spinning, but a couple of somewhat familiar blobs rushed toward me.

Their voices were all distorted, and I let out a groan.

"I told you it would wake him up." 

I leaned against the table and felt someone's hand on my forehead.

"Leo, wake up. You need to get up." 

Mumbled, who I assume was Melog, brushing hair from my face. 

Reluctantly, I opened my eyes to see the blurry faces of my friends standing over me.

"Hey there, Sleeping Beauty. "


My throat screamed as I tried to talk.

"No, it's Jesus," the freckled blond thing said with a laugh. 

Melog made her way to me, elbowing Will away and gently touching my arm.

"Can you sit up?" Asked the petite blue blob.

"I think so," I croaked. 

My throat was screaming for water, and my nose burned. Will helped me straighten up, and I looked around as the sides of my vision began to clear. 

We were in the workshop. 

I remembered hearing my dad's voice, but he wasn't standing beside me. Instead, five of my friends looked concerned. 

Before Will could even ask me how I was doing, someone else did.

"How are you feeling?" 

I whipped my head around so fast the room began spinning. My father stood a good distance away, his arms crossed.

I blinked, making sure he wasn't some concussed hallucination.

"Like I've been hit in the head." 

My skull began to throb, and I groaned, taking my head in my hands. Will handed me a golden liquid, and I popped the cork.


Nectar, the magical drink of the gods. 

I could feel it running down my throat, the pain in my head beginning to recede. It tasted like Mum's coffee cake she used to make, which was a bit odd with the texture but still pleasant.

I passed back the empty bottle, swinging my legs over the side of the table.

"What do you remember?" Melog mumbled, standing beside me. 

I tried to think.

I remembered throwing the bomb, the green flash and some weird sensation in my hands, the crack to my head, everyone's worried voices, trying to figure out what happened to me and what happened to (Y/n).

"Wait a minute. Where is she?" 

Liam wouldn't meet my eye; none of them would. 

Nico took a step forward. Now I was getting worried. 

You know something's gone wrong when the son of death is the only one talking.

"Leo, when the explosion sounded, the ice shards trapped us in here, and with you unconscious and Hephaestus unwilling to help, there was only one way out."

Leo Valdez X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now