Chapter 17 Leo

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I could see it so clearly now; (Y/n)'s pearly locks were the shade of Smoked chocolate. 

They were springier, too, a little more curled than before. Everyone looked terrified, but I thought that it highlighted her features. 

Her skin looked warmer rather than ghostly pale, which might have been from the blushing. The curls fell around her face, framing her sparkling midnight blue eyes.

Wait a minute.


Sure enough, under thick lashes sat irises as blue as the Pacific.

Murmurs from the crowd started to grow, and I watched (Y/n) shift from foot to foot uncomfortably, her eyes glazed over. Liam whistled, and his body lurched forward, laying a cool metal hand against her shoulder. 

She flinched and smiled at Liam in her arms.

Sounds erupted as the rest of the seven crowded around me. 

Chiron was too busy swatting away the Stolls from Liam's headless body to make it over to either of us. 

I shifted inside the circle of my friends and barely caught a glimpse as one of the Hermes guys approached (Y/n). 

He said something to her, tucking one of her new curls behind her ear, his fingertips brushing the side of her bare neck. She froze, her newfound rosey colour leaching from her cheeks, replaced instead by seaweed green.

 (Y/n) was trembling. 

I felt my hands grow hot for some reason.

"Leo," Hazel mumbled, "Your hair...." I quickly patted it out, watching (Y/n) shove Liam into the boy's arms and dash for the washroom.

"You have to tell us what happened, dude," Jason's hand was on my shoulder, sending a small staticky jolt through my arm. Everyone looked eager.

"It's kinda late for storytime, Superman; plus, I have a quest tomorrow, and I'm tired. Goodnight!" 

I walked off towards the cabins before they could protest, and as soon as I was out of sight, I made a dash for the women's lavatories. 

As I got closer, I heard the heartbreaking sound of vomiting. 

Before I could ask if (Y/n) was okay, none other than Drew Tanaka from Aphrodite came barreling towards the door, her makeup bag in tow. Drew's large hoop earrings jangled against her neck as she walked, and I tried to refrain from rolling my eyes. 

Drew had been the original head counsellor of Aphrodite before Piper. She'd insulted all of us before hitting on Jason several times. Her Camp Halfblood shirt hung off her left shoulder like always. But this time, she was sporting a heart-shaped necklace.

Variety, wow.

I sighed as she entered and let my head hang against the washroom wall. I was about to leave when I heard the sink run and Drew speaking to someone.

Iris message.

Britney Annakin's shrill voice echoed through the wall. Britney was one of Drew's munchkins who followed her around like a sad puppy dog.

"Did you see her hair?" The puppy dog screeched. Drew laughed, and I imagined her fixing her mascara in the mirror, admiring herself.

"I know. White hair was not her thing, but the brown is definitely a no."

They were gossiping about (Y/n), and I had noticed that the vomiting had stopped, as if she was listening too.

"What was she wearing? Pyjama shorts and Cinder-fella's grimy sweater. And to think she's supposed to be some important part of that Prophecy." 

Leo Valdez X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now