Chapter 42 (Y/n)

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The tent on my right caught fire as debris went shooting in every direction.

The two of us hit the floor for protection, Leo's arm over my head.

"Was that...."

"Harley? Yeah." Leo nodded. 

He grabbed my arm, ready to leave, but I stopped short.

"What about him?" I asked, looking towards Lucas's unconscious body hanging from the map board. 

At least, that's what he had told me his name was.

"What about him?" Leo growled, clearly still upset. 

I had never seen him like this before; was it the blood? Honestly, I brought that on myself.

"Should we leave him here?" 

Suddenly, three women with snakes for feet ran into the tent, spears drawn. Leo grabbed my wrist again.

"No choice, let's go." 

I quickly swiped Melogs necklace from the jewelry bowl, and the two of us fled from the tent and into the forest on a dead run. 

But not before I watched the pile of statues begin to shift, burying the tent under an avalanche of gold. The rest of our friends weren't too far behind.

"Well, that was fun," I mumbled, trying to ignore the raging fire behind us. 

We ran to where we had initially set down our stuff, and I scooped up my bag.

"Nico, are you good to shadow travel?" Will didn't look happy, but the son of Hades nodded. 

He grabbed our friend's hands, hurling himself towards the shade. 

I felt Harley's grip on my hand slip, and Leo and I became disentangled from the group. Our friends had already disappeared, but my feet couldn't stop. Leo and I went tumbling into the shadows; I clutched his hand tighter as the world began to warp. 

I felt my spirit waning like before. I had no idea what was happening, but I just wanted to be with our friends, wherever that was

I landed on something hard and groaned, rolling onto my stomach. I spotted the rest of my friends a few feet away.

"What just happened?" Leo mumbled, sprawled out on the grass beside me. I couldn't answer, too preoccupied with the feeling of rising bile in my throat. I tipped to the side, throwing up on the grass. 

Nico staggered over.

"How did you do that?" He slurred as Will grabbed his shoulder.

"Do what?" I wiped my mouth on my sleeve.

"You shadow travelled. You guys got separated; I only felt five spirits with me. How did you do that?" 

I coughed, hoping not to throw up again, though that would explain my motion sickness.

"I-i'm not sure," I mumbled. 

Liam made his way over to me, helping me up off the ground.

"Are you guys okay?"

I winced, delicately touching my nose; how could someone break a nose from a slap?

"He only hit me a couple of times. Nothing I couldn't handle." I said, tipping my head back, ensuring it hadn't started bleeding again. 

Though the memories of Guss in the back of my head began to swirl.

"(Y/n), you're fronted in blood. Wha-why did this happen?" Leo's eyebrows knit together as he pulled himself up off the ground. 

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