Chapter 16 Leo

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I was the first to sit up, rubbing my head. 

I stumbled to my feet, the world spinning as I did so like a spin-top.

"It's okay, nothing's broken." I brushed the green off my pants and suspenders. 

A groan sounded to my right, and I looked to see (Y/n) curled up in the fetal position on the ground.

"What a shame." she managed to squeak. 

I stumbled towards her, watching as Liam's headless body sat up off the ground. His hands searched the surrounding grass for his body part, but it was useless. 

I couldn't see it anywhere in the nighttime darkness.

(Y/n)'s body shook as I made it to her side. For a second, I thought she was crying, but instead, as I knelt by her crimped body, I heard her laugh. 

She uncurled herself to reveal Liam's head cradled in her arms. 

And I let out a sigh of relief I hadn't known I was holding; she looked unharmed. 

She laughed, sitting up and placing Liam's head beside her.

"We're out, Leo. We did it." her words hit me deep in the stomach.

I wanted to say, 'We're out, but we're not done.'


"Yeah, for now," I mumbled. (Y/n) stood up, shaking off my comment and walking over to Liam's body as I reached for my duct tape. 

At that exact moment, I heard something. Orange lights in the distance floated around the darkened camp below like little flaming ghosts.

"Leo? Where are you?" I could recognize Piper's worried voice anywhere.

"Miss Hale?" Chiron called somewhere in the darkness. It took me a second to notice that the fire ghosts weren't ghosts but torch lights!

I could hear other campers as they called out my name. I felt irritated that the only one looking for (Y/n) was Chiron. Still, it was quickly pushed aside as I heard the rest of the seven's worried voices mix with the campers.

"Over here!" I jumped up, waving my hands in the air. 

Obviously, no one could see me, but that didn't matter. I was as close to home as I could be. 

Overexcited, I grabbed (Y/n)'s hand, pulling her down the hill when she let out a yelp and pulled away. 

I looked back; (Y/n) cradled her right hand in her left, Liam's head trapped between her elbow and side. I was at her side instantly with a flame in my hand. 

She held it out for me; her palm's skin had a circular burn, red and blistering. She winced as I looked at the tender patches.

"Superficial partial-thickness. You'll be okay, but we must get you to Will so he can wrap it." She raised her eyebrow at me, prompting an answer.

"I took one of Will's classes on identifying and treating burns, okay."

She smirked at me, pulling her hand away.

"That's the nerdiest thing you could have said." 

I was about to respond when suddenly I was interrupted by a shriek. 

We both turned to see my six friends, Chiron, and half the camp trudge up the hill to greet us. The group of demigods stopped a few feet away from us, their eyes burning holes into our frames.

What did they see as they crested the hill? 

A group of rugged-looking people staggering to keep their balance: A dust and sweat-covered demigod and an Antigrafo cradling the golden, duct-taped head of the decapitated statue wandering around blindly behind them.

I couldn't blame them for their reaction.

Suddenly, I was attacked by a set of arms.

"Leo! You're alive! Nico told us what happened. I'm so glad you're okay." 

Piper planted a sisterly kiss on my cheek and stepped back. 

Her eyes fell on (Y/n) before her mouth opened, a gasp escaping between her loose lips.

I followed her gaze and suddenly became aware again that she was wearing my hoodie.

"What's wrong?" her voice was barely a whisper as the embarrassment crept up her cheeks.

"Somethings different," Percy mumbled, squinting at her, filling the silence. 

I looked (Y/n) over, and he was right; something was off, but I couldn't tell what. 

Then it hit me. I took a step closer, letting my flame illuminate her body.

"(Y/n). Your hair." She stared me in the eyes, and I could see the fear radiating from her blue irises,

"It's .......Brown."


Dun, dun, dun!!! 

Brown hair? Any ideas?

Anyway, love you guys!

- Thesourgummyworm <3

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