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Gojo's POV

I have lost count of how many lives I ended in the last 3 hours, time seemed to slow down with each death I caused. I just wanted to go home, for her to be waiting for me, for her to see the blood on my hands and worry. Maybe for her to get happy I'm back home. What I didn't expect was for her to look even paler than the men I killed, Her eyes reddened and puffy.

What happened to her?

Then there's the fact Megumi knelt in front of the bed. I know this kid like the palm of my hand. I know his weaknesses, his strengths. This might just be the first time I see him kneeling, comforting someone. Her. He was touching her... Even holding her hand. Oh, I am actually pissed. How did he manage to hold her hand before I did.

How am I even having these thoughts after the massacre I committed.

Yet, here I am...

Does he even know how hard it was for me to even be able to touch her, but he just comes and does it in a day. My eyes can't look away from her as she walks through the hall, I stay back, my arm going around Megumi's shoulder...

"We have a few talks pending, don't you think?" I whisper. I can almost feel my eyes twitch as her knees buckle under her. Just what the fuck happened to her. I look at Megumi, raising my brow, he quickly averts his eyes as he walks faster, catching up to her.


Is he really using her as a shield from me?

He peeks back towards me but flinches as Y/n abruptly stops. Megumi looks ahead and his eyes widen. I already know what he is seeing. I didn't think he would enter. "Go home, Megumi." I say as I lay my hand on his shoulder, pushing him to the door. I shouldn't hold anything against him... "You did good." It should have been me that was there for her though... He gulps looking away from the tied man in the living room.

"Be careful, Gojo." Megumi gives one final look towards the living room before walking away.

I look back to find Y/n standing in the same place. Her face almost calm as she looks down at him through her lashes. I have never seen a stare like that, her eyes betray her demeanor with the tormented look on them. Her breathing is getting deeper but I can't read her intentions... She stays like that for some time, just looking at him in silence.

She sighs before walking closer to him, kneeling in front of him, her eyes focused on him.

"You really won't look up at me?" I feel like I'm witnessing something I shouldn't see when she speaks, the raw emotion her voice transmits makes me gulp.

"Father, please..." Her jaw clenches as she speaks. "Look at me..."

Maybe I shouldn't be watching this...

Yaga keeps his head down, his eyes glued to the floor as he swishes his mouth around before spitting the blood from his mouth onto the floor in front of her.

Her head doesn't move as her eyes go to the splattered blood on the ground. I almost feel like I should take a step back as the energy around us charges.

Her expression shifted, contorting into a baffled expression as a scoff escaped her lips. "Does it bother you?" Her hand instinctively reached for his chin. "Is it the taste, the thickness? Or the fact you have no tongue?" Her head cocked to the side as she searched for his eyes. "Should I show you what blood can truly feel like...?" Her hand grabs his face, covering his mouth as she pushed his chin up.

Let it out, Y/n...

Yaga coughs the blood as it pools on his mouth, but Y/n's hand goes to his mouth, covering it completely, the coughs to get the blood out now useless.

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