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Gojo's POV

How can she say something like that and fall asleep so deeply? I guess she's as tired as she seems. 

"She has a technique, since when?" Shoko whispers, confused. "Do you think she is telling the truth? Everyone says she almost died from a low-level curse."Ever since Y/n fell asleep Shoko hasn't shut up.

"When did she even go on a mission?" Suguru leans back on the seat, staring at the car's ceiling.

He is right; a baseless rumor was enough for me to think of her as someone insignificant. My mind goes back to the classroom, the way she looked at Yaga, the smell of blood when she apolgized.

"Do you guys think she has a good relationship with Mr. Yaga?" I whisper, I look at her breathing making sure she is asleep.

"Didn't you see how he made her apologize to you even when you were a dick to her?" Shoko nags at me.

My eye twitches remembering that."Shh, you'll wake her up..."  I breathe deeply thinking about that day. "I was a dick, wasn't I?"

Suguru sighs. "They definitely do not get along. She comes into class looking like a corpse, and he doesn't even question it." Suguru waves his hand over Y/n's face. "She is really out cold huh"

"No wonder... poor thing looks like she's had rough days." Shoko passes me her coat. "Please cover her; the trip will take a while with this traffic."

I take the coat and place it over her shoulders. She isn't so annoying when she is like this. I catch myself thinking at her words. "I promise too."  What do you mean by that little crumb?

After what feels like an eternity, we make it to the factory. I almost feel bad as I tap her shoulder a few times. "Y/n, we are here." Her eyes flutter, and then widen as she sits up.

"How long did I fall asleep for?" she says rubbing her eyes.

"We graduated yesterday." Suguru jokes, opening the car door.

Y/n opens the door and steps out; my mind is stuck on her these days. I follow her, closing the door before the car drives off. She looks like a ghost, the way she moves, the way her expression seems lost in thought as she looks at the night sky.

"Let's head inside," Shoko says, stretching. "You'll show us your technique, right, Y/n? Just be careful, okay" Shoko lights her cigarette between her lips.

"I will." Y/n definitely seems different; her usual empty eyes are there, but the look she has seems almost pained.

I focus my sixth eye on the building. "Suguru, you said there was just one curse?"

"That's what the report says, grade 1 curse." Suguru turns a switch on "The light will be back on soon."

I look at the amount of energy the building emanates, its way to much for one curse. "There are far more than one here."

"The rumor about me... don't mind that Shoko," Y/n says, returning the coat to her. "It's not true." With that, she walks to the entrance.

"So you didn't almost die on a mission at the start of the year?" Shoko looks at Y/n walk inside and gives me a warning look at the non chalant way she is approaching the mission.

I follow right after Y/n; the entrance is filled with the energy of curses. I can feel them lurking in the shadows. "Hey, wait up; it's not safe to just go inside like that." She doesn't listen as she walks halfway in the entrance, after a couple of seconds she stops and looks at me. My eyes widen as I feel energy heading towards her. "Y/n, watch ou-."

As a curse's figure appears from the shadows, I'm about to launch an attack when I feel it—the energy around me charging. She isn't even facing the curse as a metal beam goes by so fast I almost miss it, impaling the curse to the wall as it cries.

Her hair is floating around her as she stares at me; her eyes are now a light shade of purple, her pale skin makes her look ethereal. She is trying to see how I react, but I'm too stunned for anything. I can hear Shoko and Suguru walking behind me and staring in silence too. She turns away when the lights in the factory turn on; as the lights shine in the big warehouse, the curses scramble.

The metals in the room float. The pieces that were behind us carefully dodge us. Shoko touches one of the metal beams.

"She is controlling them?" Shoko whispers, watching in awe.

Once she sees the pieces wont pierce us, she looks forward, the metals sound like arrows as they get shot right past us, hitting the curses, impaling them or killing them on impact. Y/n  stops floating, thumping on the ground as she lands and turns slowly to look at us. To look at me.

She is a threat.

I can hear my heartbeat in my ear. Do I need to protect Suguru and Shoko? I analyze her with my sixth eye; Her stance, the energy in the room, it doesnt feel threatening to us, not even the scared look her eyes have as she looks at me.

"That's an extension of my technique, Shoko..." Her voice sounds shaky as she takes a step forward.

I take one back; I don't even notice that until Suguru grabs my arm and I flinch away from him.

"Gojo..." Suguru snaps me out of it.

My mind is going a mile a minute.

"Why did you hide it this whole time?" My voice sounds coarse and cautious.

"It's not something that was up to me." She raises both her hands, her eyes giving away how nervous she is.

Shoko rushes to her. "That was amazing! That's an extension?"

"I'll show you the pure one later." She looks at Shoko, and her expression brightens as she gives her a small smile.

"Calm down, Satoru." Suguru whispers in my ear. "We can't fight her. We have no reason to believe she will hurt us either."

I want to say something, to think, but my mind has gone blank. She could actually be on my level... She can actually touch me? I need to know more; I need to know if I should be as scared as I feel.

"Can the beam pass through my limitless?" I say, thinking about the attacks she just launched.

"No, they can't."

She picks up a small pen and I try not to flinch as it floats slowly towards me. I use my blue to deflect it, making it shoot out the window. I can't trust her, can I?

"I said I promise." She whispers. Suguru and Shoko both look at me in confusion.

My mind goes back to our conversation when I promised she would be okay and back in her dorm tonight. So she promised the same thing to me...

My eyes go back to her; there is nothing in her voice making me doubt her. Her hand makes a smaller piece of metal float up slowly. I can't believe I would ever be talked to like this, like someone weak, someone fragile. Is this what other people feel when they are with me? I put my hand out slowly as the metal moves to my fingertip, slowing down and getting stuck on my technique.

"See." She drops it.

As i am about to ask what has been stuck in my throat since that day in the cafeteria we hear a thud, its loud, then another. Like footsteps... A hole in the ground appears in the middle as a massive  being comes out of it. 

"That isn't a grade 1" Suguru gets in a defensive stance as the curse claws its way out of it.

Special grade?

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