Chapter 1: Path to Kamino

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Jedi Temple, Coruscant

In the galaxy far away, the Galactic Republic is on the verge of breakdown and a new faction is forming know as the CIS or Confederate of Independent Systems; a Jedi Padawan is going to be in the middle of the war that is boiling underneath her feet. Her name is Konohana Sakura a resident of Kasanari in the Outer Rim is going to have her own adventure in the war with her own military forces, but we're getting ahead of ourselves now so we head to the Jedi Temple in Coruscant to see her training so she can become a Knight, but looks like her fate is sealed when her master named Juno arrive to inform her that there's a meeting going on at the Council.

 Her name is Konohana Sakura a resident of Kasanari in the Outer Rim is going to have her own adventure in the war with her own military forces, but we're getting ahead of ourselves now so we head to the Jedi Temple in Coruscant to see her trainin...

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This is Konohana Sakura wearing her kimono because it's a tradition in her homeworld to become warriors. Note is that her homeworld has the same tradition as Japan in Earth. She use her lightsaber to slash a couple of logs before her master was able to talk to her.

Juno: "Practice more and you become a good Jedi Knight."

Sakura(bow): "Yes master."

Juno: "We been summon by the Council; let's go."

Sakura and Juno heading to the Council Chamber to see what has happen while Sakura is question of what's going to happen to the Jedi when the Galactic Republic is getting torn down by the CIS.

Sakura: "Master? What's going to happen to us if the Republic collapse?"

Juno: "The Republic won't fall Sakura; Chancellor Palpatine  isn't going to let it happen."

The two head to the Council Chamber, but Sakura was order to stay behind while Juno talk with the Council about the situation at Geonosis where they got a message from Obi-Wan Kanobi before he got capture by droids which cause the Council to commence action, but before he was capture by droids; he mention a clone facility in the planet called Kamino where there is a large production of clones for the Republic under the order of Jedi Sifo- Dyas, but didn't report this to the Council and he died long time ago so the Clone Army was under the cover of darkness until now. With the Separatist Uprising going on in the galaxy; the Republic need a army to combat the CIS and the Clone Army is the answer to the problem, but need approve by the Senate. Yoda was send to the Senate to see the Clone Army will be assign to the Republic, but we must focus on Sakura. After Juno finish getting a new mission from the Council; he depart with Sakura to the dockyard.

Sakura: "Where are we going?"

Juno: "To the dockyard; we're going to war. We're going to board a Acclamator-Class transport and prepare to head for Kamino."

Sakura(shock): "We're going to war? I thought we're peacekeepers trying to keep the peace."

Juno: "I know, but I don't peace isn't an option anymore."

The two head out to the dockyard and prepare to go to war.

This is the story of a Jedi fighting for her ideas of peace until now where she is now become a fighter for war, but she won't be alone on her mission to bring peace to the galaxy; she will meet the clone troopers who will fight with her and form her own division to fight against the CIS. Sakura was born at the planet of Kasanari and raise as a shrine maiden at one of the temple that worship the Force until she met Juno who sense a powerful Force within her and decide to have her as her Padawan; however she refuse because her duty as a shrine maiden is more important that a Jedi, but things change when pirates attack the temple and murder her parents, but was saved by Juno. Sakura decide to become Juno's Padawan after her home and parents was destroyed during a pirate raid and train at Courscant. They did a couple of missions together before the Separatists Crisis has appear and the Republic is holding tight, but losing power.

Time Skip
Tipoca City, Kamino

We head to Tipoca City where there's a clone trooper training himself for combat before deploying to the battlefield, but so far nothing has happen so he spend most of his time training and cleaning his weapons. His name is Hikari who has the rank of Commander after he lead a couple of troops during the training exercise and there was a possibility of becoming ARC which he agree, but until he get real combat points. He become friends with Tanker a clone trooper who loves to use heavy weapons, Deadshot a clone trooper who has a great marksmen point, Diego a clone pilot who have ace his fighter abilities during training, but need to test it out during real battle, and the last one is Boomer who is a demolition expert and love to blow things up. Hikari is training until one of the ARC trooper named Red arrive to inform him that there's inspection soon.

Red: "Sorry to disturb you Hikari, but we got inspection soon."

Hikari: "Yes sir."

He head out to his room for the inspection to make sure that everything is in order.

Time Skip
Hikari's Dorm, Tipoca City

We head to the dorm where our 5 main clone troopers are prepping before Red and Hikari arrive to inspect which Hikari command the troopers to be ready.

Hikari: "ATTENTION!"

The clone troopers stand salute to their Commander and see that Red is there as well which they both sigh because they know what's going on here. Another inspection. Same day as usual.

Red: "I hope you didn't put anything in the locker again Boomer."

Boomer(lie): "Me... Nooooo."

The two open the locker and it blew up in front of their face with debris.

Hikari(angry): "BOOMER!"

Boomer: "Oh. That locker. Yes I put a couple of dummy bombs in there, but I didn't bother disarm it."

Hikari: "50 push-ups and no explosives for a week."

Boomer(shock): "WHAT?"

To be Continued

Chapter 2: A Gathering Storm   

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Sakura DivisionWhere stories live. Discover now