Chapter 4: Unite and Conquer

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Tunnel, Geonosis

We can see Konohana Sakura and her team traveling the tunnel system in hope they can reach the droid factory; however the tunnel system is like a maze and they can't make contact with Diego due to the communication won't able to bypass the rocks of the planet. Sakura order her troops to explore the tunnels and find the entrance to the droid factory.

Sakura: "We better move before the enemy find us."

Hikari: "I agree; it won't be long until the enemy decide to head for the tunnel."

Tanker(worry): "I don't like tight space."

Deadshot: "You better get used to it."

They explore the tunnel system while they can feel the tunnel shaking from the blase that is occurring outside from the battle that is going on.

Boomer: "Hopefully the tunnel holds."

After he say that the tunnel is breaking down which cause Hikari to shove Sakura out of the way and the debris fall between Hikari and the rest of the team. Sakura was okay including Hikari while everyone is trying to dig, but can't.

Hikari: "Damn it. Looks like we need to go around and find a way to unite with the rest of the boys."

Sakura: "You think the boys going to okay without you."

Hikari: "Don't worry about them; Deadshot will lead the team out to safely."

Sakura and Hikari are heading out while the others head to the direct opposite. Sakura use her lightsaber to light their way across the tunnel since it's dark in there while Hikari use his flashlight and have his rifle ready just in case for an ambush. Sakura decide to talk with Hikari while they have the time before going to combat.

Sakura: "How's life at the cloning facility?"

Hikari: "Dull; there's nothing but inspection and training."

Sakura: "How about food?"

Hikari: "Just your average food paste. Nothing tasteful, but food is food."

That shock Sakura, but looks like their conversation has ended when bunch of bugs are coming out of from the holes in the tunnels which cause Hikari fire his pistol at one of the bugs.

Hikari: "CONTACT!"

They fight their way through the tunnel system while the bugs are keep coming out so they decide to hit and run through the tunnel so they don't get stuck in one spot. Sakura use her Force  Push to push away the bugs away from Hikari while he use his pistol to kill one of the bugs that is behind Sakura.

Hikari: "Are you alright General?"

Sakura: "Yea, but keep your eyes peel."

More bugs are coming out of the tunnel holes and the two continue fighting while making their way to a giant pit with large amount of bridges that is similar to the picture at the introduction of the chapter; they head to the bridge, but got ambush by battle-droids that have overlook position above and below the two. Hikari fire at the bugs that is chasing behind them while Sakura use her lightsaber to block the blast from the ambush droids until Sakura have an idea.

Sakura: "Hikari; go to the other-side of the bridge; I'm going to destroy the bridge and use it to deal with the ambush."

Hikari: "Yes madam."

Hikari cross the bridge while firing at the droids and Sakura use the Force to destroyed the bridge that is above them and slam it down to their side so it prevent the ambush and the bugs to follow them, but to be on the safe side; Sakura use the Force to destroyed the rear tunnel entrance to prevent the bugs to follow them.

Hikari: "Good job General."

Sakura: "I hope this isn't a mistake."

They continue moving forward and find their way out which they notice a bright light ahead of them. They exit the tunnel and see one of the AA towers that is protecting the droid factory for LAAT fire support.

Sakura: "Looks like we found a shortcut. Let's deal with those AA guns."

Hikari: "Follow your lead General."

Tunnel, Geonosis

While Sakura and Hikari are dealing with the AA guns at their side; we return to the tunnels to see the rest of the clone troopers continue to explore the tunnel, but end up with bugs chasing after them from the rear.

Tanker(angry): "HOW MANY ARE THERE!"


The troopers continue their attack while moving forward.

Boomer: "I hope Hikari and the General have better luck then we are."

Deadshot: "I don't know about the General, but we should put our trust to the Commander; however we need to look after ourselves first before we worry about the others."

Deadshot is right about it since this is their first battle and everything is going bad; however when they reach to the other side of the tunnel while been push away by the bugs. They hit a seal door that looks like it belongs to one of the droid factory.

Boomer: "Deadshot; there's a door here, but it isn't opening."

Deadshot: "Then blow it up; we cover you."

Boomer(happy): "YES!"

Boomer is setting up the explosives while the others are holding the bugs away from Boomer; however time is limit for them when more bugs are coming out from the other tunnel holes. The fight is intense, but Boomer manage to set the bombs up.


The bombs blow up the door and the troopers are heading inside of a facility, but they're not finish yet when more bugs are coming out and pouring through the hole where Boomer made. They decide to fall back to another door, but this time it have a lock system in so Deadshot decide to crack the code while everyone is providing cover for him.

Deadshot: "Always one thing to another."

Deadshot is solving the code while more bugs are pouring in and they're getting flooded until Deadshot manage to solve the lock and the door open up.

Deadshot: "Let's go."

Everyone enter the other side of the door and Deadshot shut the door before shooting the lock system so it won't be use by the bugs.

Deadshot: "That's going to keep them busy. Let's move out before they found another way in."

Looks like our team has finally reach the droid factory in Geonosis.

To be Continued...

Chapter 5: Assault on the Geonosis Droid Factory 

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