Chapter 18: Sakura Division vs Alpha Wolf

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Senate Chamber, Senate Building

We can see the Sakura Division is facing against the Alpha Wolf with the Rhydonium including large formation of wolf-droids coming in to the chamber. Hikari check his EMP grenade to disable the Alpha Wolf, but the problem he needs to get close to disable it otherwise the explosives that is attach to the wolf-droid will activate the Rhydonium and blow up the the building and the surrounding area which will be devastate. Tanker use his Gatling gun to take out the large formation of wolf-droids while Deadshot use his sniper rifle to take out the wolf-droids from the distance. Boomer use his shotgun to deal the droids in close range, but need to be careful since they can explode on impact. Hikari rush toward the Alpha Wolf that is staying on the top level observing the battlefield. HIkari needs to climb the platform to reach the wolf-droid while avoiding be detected by the wolf-droid, but he needs to be worried about other wolf-droids that want to blow up on him. Hikari is climbing on one of the platform until he notice a wolf-droid rushing at him, but he manage to push the wolf-droid off the platform and land to the bottom ground where it blows up. Hikari continues to move forward of heading to the Alpha Wolf until it notice him and retreat out of the Senate Chamber so Hikari is in purse the wolf-droid while everyone is dealing the remaining wolf droid. Hikari chase it to the upper level of the building.

Time Skip
Rooftop, Senate Building 

Hikari reach the rooftop of the Senate Building where he manage to pin down the Alpha Wolf, but the problem is that the bomb that contains the Rhydonium is activate and have about 15 minutes to activate it so time is against Hikari. Hikari bring out two blaster pistols and fight against the Alpha Wolf, but the wolf-droid has a good amount of speed that it manage to dodge Hikari's attack. The Alpha Wolf bite onto Hikari's shoulder and release a massive shock to his entire body which stuns him immediately

Hikari(pain): "AAAAAH!"

Hikari is on his knees while the Alpha Wolf is ready for his another attack, but Hikari isn't giving up without a fight and open fire his blaster pistols, but the Alpha Wolf continues to dodge his attacks and land another hit which is taking a massive toll onto Hikari.

Hikari(pain): "AAAAH!"

Hikari is about to collapse from the shock of the Alpha Wolf, but he can't failed his mission and the explosive that contains the Rhydonium has reach to 5 minutes of it's time limit and he needs to come with a plan to deal with the Alpha Wolf, but the speed is the problem.

Hikari(pain): "There's got to be a way to deal with that bloody droid.... Looks like I have no choice."

Hikari has a plan, but it's going to cause him an arm if he does this which is use his own arm as a bomb when the Alpha Wolf reach him for his another attack. Hikari grab his Thermal Grenade and ready for the Alpha Wolf's attack which it did when it lunge right at Hikari, but he use his fist that contains a grenade into it's mouth and not letting go.

Hikari(angry): "Eat this."

HIkari press the button and blows his arm and the Alpha Wolf into pieces which leaves nothing, but trail of blood from the explosion. Hikari try to stand up to deactivate the bomb while holding his own life. He was able to reach the bomb and deactivate it which it has 1 minute left on the time limit. After that; he passed out from the fight and the loss of blood.

Senate Chamber, Senate Building

We can see the rest of the team fighting off against a large number of wolf-droids until they been shut down for some reason, but the answer is that once the Alpha Wolf is dead than it's pack is facing a forced shut down just like a Control Ship is in charge of activate a large formation of battle-droids for a good example of Battle of Naboo. Once the wolf-droids is deactivate; the Sakura Division cheer for victory and Deadshot try to contact Hikari.

Deadshot: "Commander; the wolf-droids has been defeated.... Sir?"

There was no response from Hikari so they rush to the rooftop and see what happen to him.

Time Skip
Medical Facility, Coruscant

We head to the Medical Facility where Commander Hikari is resting from his fight against the Alpha Wolf and saved many lives from the Rhydonium  explosions. Hikari is waking up to see an artificial arm after he lost his during his fight against against the Alpha Wolf and he can notice General Sakura sleeping on the side of the bed until she wakes up to see Hikari staring at her.

Sakura(happy): "Hikari! We thought you're a goner."

Hikari: "What happen?"

Sakura: "Deadshot and the others found you passed out on the rooftop of the Senate Building with a destroyed wolf-droid and the bomb. We thought you died up there."

Hikari: "What happen to the Senate Building?"

Sakura inform him that the Senate Building is taking care of by the Coruscant Guard and the surviving Senate Guards. The Senators will continue their talk tomorrow after the building is clear of terrorist threat or any remaining wolf-droids is dealing with. After that it's day off for the Sakura Division since they deserve some praise of saving the Senators from death and protecting the people of Coruscant from terrible fate; however unknown to them is that dark plans are moving ahead by the CIS.

To be Continued....

Chapter 19: Retribution on Kasanari


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