Chapter 7: The Siege of the Gun Tower

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Gun Tower, Meton

We can see the remaining Sakura Division that survive the ordeal at the crash site and the highway making their to the gun tower that is pounding the Republic position and Juno's men aren't moving into the city while that gun is making noise. Sakura and her men are right at the wall of the gun tower while avoiding patrols around the outer layer of the tower.

Sakura: "We better shut this down so our forces can move in."

Everyone grab their cables and hook right at the catwalks of the tower. They're going upward while they notice a couple of droids walking bypass them so they didn't notice them walking on the wall. Sakura and her men made their way to the catwalks, but was notice by a couple of battle-droids, but they went silent after got shot by Commander Hikari and everyone made to the catwalks.

Hikari: "We better move before they find their bodies."

Sakura: "Agree. Deadshot; you and your team will head downstairs to secure our exit route while everyone silent that gun."

Deadshot: "Yes General."

The team was split into two and Sakura's team are heading upstairs to the gun, but first they need to deal with the droids that's inside of the building. The droids are working on targeting the Republic forces that is outskirts of the city until they notice Sakura and her men enter the building.

Droid: "INTRUDER!"

The droids open fire at the clone troopers, but they manage to take them out within couple of minutes and one of the clone trooper shut down the targeting system at the Republic forces. After the room is secure; they head to the gun at the top of the tower in order to complete their objective.

Time Skip
Upper Gun Tower, Meton

Sakura and her men have arrive at the upper level of the gun tower and see a couple of patrols on the rooftop with the gun emplacement, but it was shut down after it's targeting system is out so the droids are heading back to the tower and see what happen, but end up meeting Sakura and her men.

Droid(shock): "JEDI!"

Sakura slice one of the droids with her lightsaber and her men open fire at the droids to secure the area. After a couple of fights on the rooftop and the clone troopers manage to secure the gun. Sakura order her men to set up charges on the gun and blow it up.

Sakura: "Hikari; set the charges up."

Boomer(happy): "This is my golden hours here."

Boomer lead his demolition team to the gun and place explosives on the gun.

Time Skip
Upper Gun Tower, Meton

We can see Boomer and his team finish putting up the explosives on the gun while everyone is keeping their eyes peel for any unexpected arrival until Boomer approach Sakura and inform her that the job is done.

Boomer: "It's General."

Sakura: "Alright; everyone let's head out and Boomer; you do the honor."

Boomer(happy): "My pleasure."

Everyone head back to the tower before Boomer press the button to destroy the gun with a big burst of flames. Everyone are heading out of the tower while Deadshot and his men are watching for any droids that notice the explosion from the guns. Sakura made contact with her master to inform her the mission is complete.

Sakura: "Mission is complete Master."

Juno(hologram): "Understood; we been there within an hours."

Sakura end the hologram and check on her men after they got wounded during the fight at the highway.

Time Skip
Medical Center, Meton

Sakura and her men arrive at the makeshift medical center for the wounded clones at one of the alleyway and they have the control of one of the building as their HQ which have a good view of the droid factory that's in the center of the city. Everyone can relax while waiting for new orders from Juno. Hikari is watching the patrols of droids bypassing their building and they don't want confrontation with them with wounds inside the building. Sakura arrive behind him and talk to him.

Sakura: "What's the word?"

Hikari: "Juno and her men have arrive at the city. They be at the droid factory within days."

Sakura: "With the droids having the highway control and a bunch of snipers overlooking the street to the droid factory. It's going to be longer than couple of days."

Hikari: "I agree."

Hikari remove his helmet and watch the fighting going on deeper in the city. Sakura look at her lightsaber before putting it back just in case she needs inspection while Hikari is checking his weapon.

Hikari: "You know; I never expect we survive this battle."

Sakura: "So am I; I thought we're going to died at that highway."

They both laugh because they didn't expect the result and come out okay despite some losses. Boomer arrive with information that Juno has arrive at the city and heading to the droid factory.

Boomer: "Sorry to disturb you General, but General Juno and her men have arrive south of the city, but they lost contact with one of their AT-TE walker tanks."

Sakura: "Do you know where it's last location is?"

Boomer: "About 50 clicks to the east of here."

Hikari: "That's near that highway where we discover the column of tanks."

CIS HQ, Outskirts of Meton

We head to the CIS HQ where we can see a Commander droid is watching the battle map on the hologram to see the Republic forces have invade a couple of cities and Meton has already under siege by the Republic.

Commander: "How is it that we lost our guns?"

Droid: "We got words that the Republic send a small task force, but it was taken out by one of our droids; however they manage to survive the crash before they head to the gun tower."

Commander: "Give me the information about this task force and their commander."

Droid: "Roger, Roger."

Droid left while the Droid Commander continue watching the battle through the hologram.

To be Continued...

Chapter 8: Lost AT-TE

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Sakura DivisionWhere stories live. Discover now