Chapter 23: Ruins of Kuno

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Outskirts of Kuno, Kasanari

The 77th Legion is taking a detour to Kuno before heading to Point Jackal so Sakura can see what happen to her village. A large formation of AT-TE walkers is heading to the village until one of the clone troopers that is station on the heavy cannons of the AT-TE notice a large burst of smokes coming from the ground which he signal Sakura.

Clone Trooper: "General Sakura; I can see smoke coming in front of us."

Sakura exit the walker and notice a large smoke that the trooper notice and it's sending fear and worry through her body because that smoke is coming from her home village and order everyone to hurry while she went ahead of them while Hikari try to call her.

Hikari(shout): "GENERAL! WAIT!"

Sakura is heading to her village.

Time Skip
Kuno, Kasanari

Sakura manage to reach her home village within couple of minutes until she notice the cherry blossom trees is burnt to the ground and things are getting worst when she approach a burnt doll that is laying on the ground which she notice it was one of the locals of her village. She stare at the village.... Burnt to the ground by droids, but she also notice a starship land in the village square which she notice someone standing aside a burning wall of the building. It was the same bounty hunter from the Terrorist Attack at the Senate Building in Coruscant.

Bounty Hunter: "Looks like someone finally arrive. I'm expecting your arrival Konohana Sakura."

Sakura(angry): "Did you do this?"

Bounty Hunter: "No; it was the work of Admiral Fenrir and his droid army. I'm just a bounty hunter hire by Fenrir to deal with you. He already pay me the full amount. You cause a stir that resolve this."

Sakura notice a burnt body that is buried along with the rest of the bodies and realize that the villagers are all dead by the attack of the droids. Sakura is getting angry which cause the buildings to cripple and crush by the Force which was notice by the Bounty Hunter.

Bounty Hunter: "Using your dark side. Good; it makes this interesting."

The bounty hunter grab his blaster pistols while Sakura use her lightsaber with her eyes turning red all the sudden with anger in her heart.


While Sakura is getting close to the dark side; Master Juno can sense the pain and anger from Sakura which is causing her heart to ache.

Juno(worry): "Sakura? Are you in pain? What are you seeing that is causing you pain? Please don't use the dark side."

AT-TE, Outskirts of Kuno Village

Hikari can sense something is wrong with Sakura and order one of the clone troopers to deploy the Speeder Bike so he can hurry up before it's too late.

Hikari: "Deploy the Speeder Bike."

Clone Trooper(confuse): "Sir?"

Hikari(worry): "Just do it."

The AT-TE walker stop and deploy the BARC Speeder Bike before Hikari jump onto it and speed ahead of the walkers.

Hikari(thought): "I don't know what's going on, but I have a bad feeling about this."

Time Skip
Kuno Village, Kasanari

We can see Sakura fighting against the bounty hunter with anger in her eyes, but her attack continues to miss and the bounty hunter is using his jet pack to avoid getting hit by the lightsaber.

Bounty Hunter: "Your hatred has blinded you girl. That feeling will cause you everything including your life and those around you."

She didn't listen to the bounty hunter and continue her attack against the bounty hunter, but continue to miss her attacks and the bounty hunter manage to get a hit of her by the leg which cause her pain, but doesn't stop her anger which cause the ground to break apart.

Bounty Hunter: "The dark side is strong with this one. Looks like Fenrir manage to press her button."

The fight continues onward until Hikari arrive on his BARC speeder bike and notice the fight which cause him to jump into action with his blaster rifle which the bounty hunter manage to dodge it and attack both Sakura and Hikari at the same time; however Hikari notice the behavior of Sakura which is strange for her to do since she always will-minded until he notice burned bodies all over the place.

Hikari: "Now I understand of your anger, but you can't win this."

Hikari decide to calm Sakura down, but her rage is attacking anyone near her. Hikari decide to grab her lightsaber with his artificial arm which contains the same material of the blaster door and try his best to grab the lightsaber while dodging her attack. Hikari manage to stop the lightsaber by grabbing the handle of the blade and try to talk with Sakura.

Hikari: "General; you need to stop. You might lost your people, but there are still people out there that cares about you including your Master that needs rescue."

This snap Sakura out of her hatred and realize that Hikari is right when she notice not only him, but the 77th Legion clone troopers and her Master who is waiting for her. She was about to cry, but decide to hold it until the bounty hunter is dealt with.

Sakura: "You're right Hikari; there are people out there that needs me now and ever. I can't let my anger get the best of me."

Hikari smile behind his helmet and they joined forces to fight against the bounty hunter who is ready for the final round.

To be Conitnued....

Chapter 24: Bounty Hunter vs Hikari and Sakura

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Sakura DivisionWhere stories live. Discover now