Chapter 22: Uniting Front

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Kasanari, Kasanari System

We can see LAAT gunships with troops and walker tanks heading to the surface level while taking heavy fire from anti-air defense from the CIS guns that is the cover of the mountains. We can see the clone pilot telling Sakura that the defense is too heavy to approach to their objective and request permission to land which she approve.

Pilot: "General Sakura; we can't get close to the target area. We need to set down."

Sakura: "Understood; land all forces here and we proceed on foot."

The LAAT gunships unload the troops and walker tanks away from the defense area before they decide to retreat to safe areas while the 77th Legion is heading to the target area, but it's cover by laser turrets that is inside the bunkers.

Hikari: "General; we got bunkers equip with laser turrets on the mountainside."

Sakura: "AT-TE walkers; time to shine."

AT-TE pilot: "You got it Boss."

The AT-TE walker tanks are heading to the bunker and open fire with their heavy cannons to take out the bunkers which they did and the 77th Legion forces continue moving forward into the mountainside so they can take out the air defense so the LAAT and any air units can provide air support for the operation. The sky is lit with AA gun fires to prevent any air units to land more units. The 77th Legion have arrive at the mountainside and commence attacking the air defense which is protected by droids and droidkas while the AT-TE continue moving forward through the mountains and reach their objective area.


The clone troopers open fire at the droids while Sakura went ahead to proved the troops with her lightsaber and use the force to take out the droids by pushing them off the edge of the cliffs of the mountain. Once the fight is over; Boomer put the charges on the AA guns and blow it up while the other remaining 77th Legion manage to take out the other AA guns in the area which means the air units can provide supports once their done dealing with enemy fighters.

Sakura: "Diego; we took out the air defense."

Diego(radio): "Understood General; we will provide support once we're done here."

Sakura and the remaining 77th Legion are heading to where the AT-TE walkers are at, but looks like more trouble when she got contact with the AT-TE walkers.

Pilot(radio): "General Sakura; we got trouble."

Sakura: "What is it?"

Pilot(radio): "We got enemy tanks heading our direction and we're box in. We need support."

Sakura: "Diego; can you spare any bombers?"

Diego(radio): "Understood General; we got a couple of Y-Wings able to do the trick."

The Y-Wings are the Bombers for the Republic and later in the future will be used by the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. The Y-Wings can see the AT-TE walkers taking heavy fire from tanks coming out from the cherry forest and a couple of droids.

Y-Wing(radio): "Commence bombing run."

The Bombers fly bypass the AT-TE walkers and drop their loads onto the enemy tanks which completely destroy the battalion and the area is clear.

Pilot(radio): "Thank you for the assistance."

Y-Wing(radio): "Very welcome; heading back to the fleet."

The rest of the 77th Legion is able to unite with their AT-TE walkers and continue moving forward to their destination which is a village that is under the control by the CIS which becomes their Command Post.

Y-Wing(radio): "General Sakura; we found a couple of defense surrounding the village. A couple of Dwarve droids and large group of battle-droids."

Sakura: "Thank you; everyone forward."

The 77th Legion continue moving forward toward their objective target which is protecting by droids. Once the 77th Legion got their eyes on the defense lines; the AT-TE walkers open fire while the clone troopers is taking cover and firing at the defense lines. Couple of AT-TE walkers was destroyed by the fight, but they was able to punch a hole in their defense and the 77th Legion charge at the enemy while Sakura use her lightsaber to block the laser blast from the droids. The fight last about 20 minutes and the 77th Legion has complete their objective.

Hikari: "General; we have complete the 1st phase of the operation."

Sakura: "What's the situation with the 501st Legion?"

Hikari: "General Skywalker and his men have already started on the 2nd phase of the operation and heading to the CIS Air Base that is located northeast of the capital."

Sakura: "He always one step ahead than everyone else. Looks like the stories about him is true than."

Hikari: "No wonder the Chancellor took the liking to him and the 501st Legion."

Sakura agree and see a group of LAAT gunships heading to their direction to unload more troops and a couple of transport ships has land on the objective zone to deploy the rest of the military forces to fight against the CIS at the capital, but right now they got another mission which is too continue moving forward to Point Jackal which is going to be where they will meet with the 501st Legion to fight at the capital, but when Sakura look at the map; she was shock and order the men to reroute to a village near Point Jackal which is Village Kuno which is Sakura's home.

Sakura: "We're going to make a quick stop at Kuno Village."

Hikari(confuse): "Why General?"

Sakura: "That's my home and I want to see what has happen there."

Hikari: "Yes General."

Everyone load up in the AT-TE walkers and heading to Kuno Village, but unknown to Sakura that she will be facing a consequence of her actions against Fenrir.

To be Continued.....

Chapter 23: Ruins of Kuno 

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Sakura DivisionWhere stories live. Discover now