Arc 2: Operation Sakura Storm

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Arc 2: Operation Sakura Storm

Location: Muunilinst, Outer Rim Territories

Summary: The Republic got words that CIS are building droid factories and ammunition depot at the planet of Muunilinst despite been a neutral territory, but playing both side with currency leading by the Banking Clan which they are alliance with the CIS. It was the native people of the planet that inform the Republic about the situation in Munnilinst. The Republic has send a large invasion force to strike at the CIS forces on the surface and the space stations that is orbiting the planet. General Sakura and her Sakura Division has been order to infiltrate one of the major cities of Muunilinst and take out the big guns before Juno's Division known as the Crimson Division assault the droid factory that is been protecting within the city. Juno's forces will be a couple of AT-TE walker tanks, couple of scout speeder bikes, and 15 AT-RT walkers for fast speed assault. Sakura will be leading her usual task force with Commander Hikari as her second in Command with Deadshot as part of Bravo Team in case of separation. This is Operation Sakura Storm and the liberation of Muunilinst 

Chapter 6: The Steel Maze of Meton

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Sakura DivisionWhere stories live. Discover now