Chapter 16: Shadows of Coruscant

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Crimson Blossom, Coruscant

The flagship of the Sakura Division has enter the capital system of the Republic after they gather information from their previous mission in Raxus Prime and learn that a batch of wolf-droids including a load of Rhydonium is making their way to the capital of the Republic, Coruscant. Hikari and his team is already upload their supplies into the LAAT before departing from the ship, but Sakura was order to stay behind since she got wounded during the previous mission. Diego is checking his load-outs is ready and able. The Venator open the bay door and the Sakura Division left the Venator warship and heading to the planet Coruscant. The LAAT gunship is going through the entire building city and making their way to the Senate Building; they retrieve a word from the Commander of the Coruscant Guard, Fox.

Fox: "Commander Hikari."

Hikari: "This is Hikari."

Fox: "We got words that Senator of Naboo wasn't present in the Senate building during one of the Senate commission. We also report that couple of the troops that was supposed to escort her was murder. We believe someone is after her life. Can you check her for us while we focus of dealing the situation."

Hikari: "Understood."

Diego overheard the conversation and head to Senator Padme's office so they can find her. The LAAT land at the balcony of the building to offload the troops before leaving the building. Everyone is checking the room and found a couple of dead Guard's bodies which looks like someone murder them.

Boomer: "Looks like bounty hunter's work."

Hikari: "Better keep our eyes open."

Everyone: "Roger."

They continue moving forward until a small droid spiders has exit the bed which Tanker throw ESP grenade and disable the small spiders.

Tanker: "Assassin Spiders. If there are a group here than there's about the Mother Spider."

Boomer: "Where is it?"

They check the bedroom and see nothing except a giant hole on the ground so they infiltrate the holes and follow the trail of dead droid spiders which looks like a small blaster fire. Hikari examine the blast and sense heat which means that it happen a little bit.

Hikari: "Looks like the Senator is defending herself, but we better prepare for the worst."

Everyone approach down the down door that is the blast down door. They continue follow through the dead assassin spiders and the sound of blaster fire coming at the distance which reveal to be Senator Padme and the bounty hunter that wants her dead. This fight is happening in the lobby area of the floor of the building with the heights, but looks like Padme can handle the bounty hunter herself, but the spider droids are making things difficult for her so the Sakura Division decide to deal with the spider droids.

Hikari: "Let's deal with the droids while the Senator deals with the bounty hunter."

Tanker grab his laser Gatling gun and open fire at the small spider droids while Boomer use his explosives to deal with the huge spider droids. Hikari open fire his blaster rifle at the huge spider droid right in the eye, but it cause small version of the spiders to deal with it.

Hikari: "Be careful; the huge spider droids is spewing small version once it's dead."

Tanker open fire at the small version of the spider droids that is coming out, but Hikari threw a EMP grenade at the group of small version of spider droids and disable the droids. The Sakura Division continue their attack against the spider droids; the Senator was able to defeat the bounty hunter before he retreat with his jet-pack after he learn that his plan has failed due to Sakura Division's interference. After the battle against the spider droids; they both meet together at the lobby since the Senator is separate from the Sakura Divison due to a huge hole between them.

Time Skip
Lobby, ???

The Sakura Division meet with Senator Padme at the lobby and a couple of Coruscant Guard troopers arrive after the battle.

Padme: "Thank you for helping me; I won't able to survive against those droids."

Hikari: "No problem, but you need to stay away from the Senate building. We got droid problems."

Padme: "That explains why I won't able to contact anyone from the Senate building. I stay with the Guards."

The LAAT gunship arrive at front of the building and the Sakura Division enter the gunship before it depart.

Time Skip
LAAT, Coruscant

The LAAT gunship is heading to the Senate building while Hikari is planning the operation with his team before heading to the Senate building.

Hikari: "We're going to the Senate building at the east side of the building; we're going to deploy on the rooftop and insert into one of the office. The Coruscant Guards have already control the lower level of the Senate building, but didn't control the Upper level of the building. That's where we're going in."

Boomer: "Did they located the wolf-droid that contains the Rhydonium?"

Hikari: "Negative. They check the Lower level, but so far nothing. I believe the wolf-droid is somewhere in the Upper Level."

Diego: "Sorry to disturb you guys, but we have arrive."

The LAAT gunship has arrive at the Senate building and see a lot of troopers station on the lower level of the building. The gunship have arrive at one of the entrance point of the building which the Sakura Division has exit the gunship before it left to provide any assistance to the Guards. Sniper takes a look at the ground level and start to worry for a second.

Sniper(worry): "That's a big drop."

Boomer: "Come on Sniper; we been higher place before."

Sniper: "Yea, but didn't expect to be on top of the Senate building."

Hikari manage to open the hatch door and enter the office.

To be Continued....

Chapter 17: Shadows of the Senate

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