Chapter 15: Escape

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Pit, Raxus Prime

We can see the burning droid factory in the distance while Hikari is waking up from Silver's barking at him so he can be woken up. 

Hikari: "My head. Looks like we took a deep dive after the explosion. We better report this to General Sakura."

Hikari grab his weapons before heading to meet with Sakura to inform her about the attack against the Senate at Coruscant. Hikari is heading out to the base of operation with Silver while the burning of the droid facility caught the attention of the fleet that is orbiting the planet of Raxus Prime.

Shadowfang, Raxus Prime

We head to the flagship of the main fleet of Raxus Prime and the Admiral that return from his trip of the droid factory and about to meet with the rest of his production facility in another planet, but his Commander Droid inform him about the situation down at the surface.

Commander Droid: "Sir; the production factory has been destroyed."

Fenrir(shock): "WHAT?"

Commander Droid: "A clone trooper and a rogue wolf-droid has sabotage it by taking out the pillars."

This angers Fenrir, but remain calm down and order the remaining droids to hunt them down while the fleet is heading to their next production facility on another planet.

Fenrir: "Order the remaining droids to hunt the surviving Republic forces and set course to Wolfernia."

Commander Droid: "Roger, Roger."

The main fleet enter hyperspace while a couple of gunships left the ship to support the remaining droids on the surface before the main fleet left the system.

FOB, Raxus Prime

We have return to the makeshift base of operation and Hikari arrive with Silver while Sakura is trying her best to stand up after hearing a giant explosion which cause her to be worry until she notice Hikari enter with a wolf-droid.

Sakura(shock): "Hikari and who is this?'

Hikari: "This is Silver and he help me to complete the mission, but we got a serious problem. The CIS has order a attack on the Senate. A batch of wolf-droids have already deploy to the capital."

Sakura(shock): "What? We need to inform the Jedi Council and the Senate."

However the problem is that they don't have any communication since their shuttle was shot down and all communication in the facility is destroyed so the only thing they need to do is wait and see or get shot by the droids that is looking for them, but looks like Silver is already one step ahead of them.

Silver bark at them which confuse them.

Sakura: "What's wrong?"

There is a device extend out of Silver's back and a computer which reveal to be a communication system for the wolf-droids just in case if they got separate from the rest of the pack.

Hikari: "Looks like a communication device."

Hikari contact a nearest Republic fleet and order a rescue operation which they did, but they need to hold off until they arrive which is about couple of hours. Looks like they got something to do when they can hear marching of droids coming to their direction. Hikari stick his head out to see a large formation of droids including a couple of gunships heading to their base of operation.

Hikari: "Droids and there's a lot of them."

Sakura try to stand up, but failed to do so and almost fallen to the ground until Hikari manage to grab her and order to rest while he provide the defense.

Hikari: "You're still not in a good shape to fight General. I handle the situation."

Sakura try to protest against this, but her injuries got the best of her and decide to let it go and order Hikari to be careful which he always does. Silver join forces with Hikari to fight off against a large formation of droids and Hikari decide to use the debris junks as traps for them.

Hikari: "Those junks will proof useful to us. We just need to use it right."

Hikari use the junks to make some traps for the droids and install some of them with thermal grenades. The setup last about couple of half an hour and the droids manage to reach the destination. Once Hikari can see one of the groups is underneath one of the traps; he press the detonator which cause the trap to fall right on top of them and Hikari use his blaster pistol to increase the distance  between the two while Silver protects the FOB. Hikari reach the second trap which is a couple of armor-piercing spears and thrown a couple of them at the droids which pierce right through them while firing his blaster pistols.

Time Skip

The fight last about 5 hours and there is no end in sight including out of traps for them to trip over so Hikari use his last grenade to block entrance toward the FOB and pray that it only holds for them a while, but one of the Super Battle-droid use it's waist rockets to destroy the debris and the droid army continue moving forward until a missile went right toward them which destroy a group. It was a LAAT gunship and a couple of clone troopers  open fire at the droids. The medics rush toward the FOB while the troopers provide fire and fetch Sakura while Hikari and SIlver jump into the LAAT before they left.

Time Skip
Crimson Blossom, Raxus Prime

We head inside the Venator flagship and see Sakura in the medical facility with Hikari and Silver is with her while Admiral Horst was inform the situation.

Horst: "I already setting course back to the capital and hope we get enough time."

Sakura: "Is the Coruscant Guard already form?"

Horst nod.

Horst: "They already deploy a couple of guards at the building, but if one of the wolf-droid contains Rhydonium."

Hikari: "I have already inform the others about this and we're ready to deploy once we arrive."

To be Continued....

Operation: Wolf's Fury

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