Chapter 24: Bounty Hunter vs Hikari and Sakura

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Kuno Village, Kasanari

We can see Hikari and Sakura fighting against the bounty hunter; the bounty hunter realize that he's dealing with expert fighters here due to the fact he is now on the defense rather than the offense. The bounty hunter land on one of the destroyed building and sniper fire at Hikari, but Hikari manage to dodge it and taking cover near one of the debris of the buildings. Sakura jump on the rooftop and use the Force to grab the bounty hunter's jet pack so he doesn't get away from him which it was a success and Sakura use the Force to push the bounty hunter off the rooftop and land on the ground. Hikari and the bounty hunter are in fist to fist combat while exchanging blaster fire until the bounty hunter kick Hikari in the back which cause the bounty hunter to draw his pistol and about to finish him off until his pistol was destroyed by Sakura's lightsaber. The bounty hunter is out of option and decide to make a retreat, but he was shot by Deadshot who is on top of the AT-TE walker with his sniper rifle. The bounty hunter was wounded by the shot and Sakura arrive on top of him and have her lightsaber near his neck, but decide to order his troops to arrest him and treat his wounds.

Sakura: "Take him away."

Clone Trooper: "Yes General."

The clone troopers capture the bounty hunter until he start to talk to Sakura.

Bounty Hunter: "If you want to saved your master than you need to reach the Providence-Class Dreadnought on the other side of the planet. Fenrir is looking forward to see you."

After the bounty hunter was taken by the clone troopers to his cell so he can be transfer to prison after collecting information from him. Sakura can see the bounty hunter ship that is still land with no pilot and decide to take it to the flagship of Shadowfang where Master Juno is been held, but Hikari decide to help her of her quest since the ship will be crawling with droids.

Hikari: "I know what you're thinking General and it's dangerous without a partner."

Sakura: "Thank you."

Hikari and Sakura enter the bounty hunter's ship and realize it used to be a Razor Claw ship.

Hikari and Sakura enter the bounty hunter's ship and realize it used to be a Razor Claw ship

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Hikari: "Some modification on this girl; it's a shame that we arrest her pilot."

Sakura: "Now's it's ours now."

Hikari agree and start up the engine while Deadshot disagree about this mission, but Sakura order him to continue helping the 501st Legion to liberate her homeworld from the CIS while they rescue Master Juno from Fenrir's grasp.

Deadshot: "It's a bad idea General. Let's wait until we're done here and we can joined forces to deal with Shadowfang."

Sakura: "By that time; they're already be gone right now. Time is the limit. Deadshot; I want you continue to lead the rest of the 77th Legion while we're gone."

Deadshot: "Yes General, but you better return to us safely with General Juno."

Sakura nod to Deadshot before the ship is taking off and heading to Shadowfang while Deadshot order the rest of the troops to move forward to continue with the mission.


Everyone cheer and marching to the Point Jackal.

To be Continued....

Chapter 25: Meeting of Hearts

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