Chapter 10: Sakura to the Rescue

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Meton, Munnilinst

We can see Sakura and her men enter the AT-TE that was left abandoned after the tank's crew was killed by the CIS, but right now they need the tank for Juno and her men who is ambush at the droid factory at the center of Meton. Hikari activate the tank's control and ready to move out while Tanker head to the turret on the top of the tank and Sakura ready to defend the walker from any droid attacks.

Sakura: "Remember; we need escort to protect the tank. We only got one chance of helping Master and her men. May the Force be with you."

Everyone that can move is moving ahead of the AT-TE and see the coast is clear which they use hand signal to tell the tank to move forward, but of course the tank will provide support if needed. The walker breaks through the giant door that is ahead of them and walking along the highway with troopers guarding the tank.

Highway, Meton

The Sakura Division reach the highway where it's going to take them a couple of hours to reach the droid factory if they don't face any challenge or the tank breaks down for unknown reason. Deadshot is leading the ground team to protect the tank until they reach the droid factory at the center of the city. They continue heading along the highway until the droids spotted them and open fire at them.


Everyone return to open fire at the CIS forces while the tank continues to move in the direction of the droid factory. The fight is so intense that the progress is very slow, but they able to breakthrough the enemy lines; however they're taking heavy hits from both direction. Deadshot and his men are using the debris and AT-TE's legs as cover, but the worst part is the rocket launcher is aiming at the tank, but was able to stop with Deadshot's deadly aim. The clones are making progress along the highway while firing at the droids at the building which was destroyed by the heavy gun of the walker tank.

Time Skip
Droid Factory, Meton

Sakura and her men have arrive at the droid factory after couple of hours after fighting the droids at the highway, but they manage to reach their destination and see Juno and her men trapped in one of the buildings while getting pound by enemy tanks. Sakura and her tank is behind the enemy tanks so Sakura order Hikari to move while Tanker fire the heavy cannon against the enemy tanks.

Sakura: "Hikari; move the tank for cover while Tanker fire the heavy cannon."

Hikari: "Yes General."

The AT-TE moves around the debris and buildings while firing at the enemy tanks in the rear. The tanks notice the walker and start to move, but have a hard time with destroyed tanks behind them and they can't fire at the walker tank while hiding behind buildings. Once the enemy tanks is finally able to aim at the AT-TE; they open fire which cause the AT-TE to move to different direction, but the enemy tanks didn't know that a couple of clone troopers enter one of the building with their Anti-Tank rockets that was still inside the tank. The enemy tanks are more focus on the walker that they didn't notice the Anti-Tank troopers moving through the building and taking out their spotters. Once the Anti-Tank troopers reach their destination; they're prepare for another assault. While the tanks are busy with Sakura and her men; Juno's forces have a chance to infiltrate the droid factory and bring it down once and for all. Juno and her men rush to the factory while the droids are busy against the AT-TE and Sakura. The fight rages on with couple of more AAT tanks destroyed and the droids are order to retreat.

Hikari: "Their turning back."

Everyone cheer while Sakura feels like something else has happen while the fight is occur, but her mind snap when the droid factory was destroyed and Juno escape with her men from the blast. The factory has been destroyed and the city of Meton has been liberated from the CIS and the fleet of warships are hovering over the city before more LAAT gunships landing more troops on the city. Sakura meet with her Master to discuss what happen.

Sakura: "Master."

Juno: "Check this out."

Juno is holding a hologram about a new kind of battle-droids that is been develop in the planet called Raxus Prime.

Juno is holding a hologram about a new kind of battle-droids that is been develop in the planet called Raxus Prime

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Sakura: "We're going to Raxus Prime?"

Juno: "Only you and your division. The Jedi Council has order me to return back to Courscant for my report. Only you need to know what this droid is and the main purpose for it. If it's a major threat to the Republic than destroy the factory."

Sakura: "Yes Master."

A couple of LAAT gunship has arrive to pick up the divisions, but the LAAT gunship takes Sakura and her men to a Venator-Class Star Destroyer that is orbiting around the planet. This is going to be her flagship the Crimson Blossom and with Admiral Horst as the second in command of the ship.


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Time Skip
Crimson Blossom, Muunilinst System

We enter the bridge of the Crimson Blossom with Admiral Horst checking on the clones operating the ship until Sakura arrive with everyone salute to her.

Horst: "Welcome to Crimson Blossom; General."

Sakura(confuse): "This ship is under my command?"

Horst: "Yes General. The Crimson Blossom is ready for orders."

Sakura: "Very well than; set course to Raxus Prime. We're going to investigate a strange droid."

Horst: "Yes General."

The Venator jump into hyperspace and setting course to Raxus Prime to investigate the strange battle-droid that's been develop by the CIS, but unknown to them that they're going to encounter our main bad guy of the story.

To be Continued.....

Arc 3: Operation Wolfstrike

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