Chapter 9: Depths of Danger

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Sewer Pit, Meton

Sakura and her men are trapped in the Sewer Pit after made contact with a Droid Commander who set a trap for them which is fill the pit with water and lock all exit routes for them to escape from. Everyone can see the water start to fill up, but they notice a giant gate starts to open and they can hear a groan noises coming underwater to which means their not along in the pit.

Sakura: "We better go NOW!"

Everyone agrees and start to run to the upper levels while the water starts to fill up, but soon they notice tentacles coming out of the water which is the same creature that attack them earlier and killed a clone trooper. Sakura order her men to continue running while she hold it off.

Sakura: "MOVE! I distract it."

Sakura use her lightsaber and try her best to attack the tentacle that is coming after her men, but switch it's target to Sakura since she is the main threat against it. Hikari watch his General dealing the creature by herself so he decide to help her out.

Hikari: "MOVE! I help the General. Deadshot; find a way to shut the water down."

Deadshot: "YES COMMANDER!"

Clone troopers continue heading up while Commander Hikari head down and help out Sakura who is having a hard time to deal with the creature. The creature looks like the picture above, but large. The size is enough to fit into the pit with it's mouth pointing upward ready to get something to eat. The tentacle manage to grab Sakura by the leg and start to drag her to the water where the creature is rising up to have a feast, but looks like Commander Hikari manage to save her in time.

Sakura: "Thank you."

Hikari: "Thank me later when we're done here. I got your back General."

Sakura use her lightsaber to block the tentacle while Hikari use his blaster pistols to deal the main body of the creature that rise up in anger, but it wasn't enough for them to deal it since it's body is made of steel.

Sakura(angry): "This isn't get us anywhere."

Hikari: "We need to find a way to deal with it."

The water is touching their feet which means it won't be long for the creature to reach them with full strength. Deadshot and the rest of the team manage to reach the control panel that controls the flow of water to the pit, but they encounter a couple of Droid Commandos that is ready to ambush them.

Boomer: "INCOMING!"

A couple of clone troopers got hit by incoming Droid Commando's melee attack, but the main characters manage to dodge them and Deadshot manage to get a headshot at the Commando while Tanker break the Commando before throwing it out of the window. Boomer manage to reach for the control panel and drain the water which cause the water to lower downward. Back at the fighting against the creature where Sakura and Hikari is holding the creature off until the water is getting lower and lower.

Hikari: "They did it."

Sakura(relief): "Yes."

The creature can't reach the walkway where the two is at and the creature died when the water is fully drained with nothing. Everyone is gather up at the control room and Boomer unlock one of the doors that leads them back to the surface level of Meton.

Time Skip
AT-TE, Meton

Hikari open the door and everyone is relief to see the outside again after having to suffer of going through the sewers, but another thing is that they found the AT-TE park right at the building with dead clone troopers nearby.

Deadshot: "Looks like the crew was killed by that Droid Commander and his droids before coming down here to meet us."

Tanker inspect the AT-TE and found the reason of why the walker was missing is because it was under repairs after it got hit by a rocket launcher and the crew decide to hide here until it was repair before got ambush by the droids.

Tanker: "Give me some time and I can get this girl going."

Sakura: "Understood."

Sakura grab the communicator to contact Master Juno and inform her that they manage to recover the AT-TE walker tank, but the crew is dead.

Sakura: "Master; we found the walker, but the crew is dead."

Juno(hologram): "Sakura; we request help at the droid factory."

Sakura(worry): "What happen?"

Juno(hologram): "A enemy tank battalion has appear and we're pinned down at one of the buildings near the droid factory. Our AT-TE walker tanks are damage and unable to move. We can't risk air support due close quarter with other buildings."

Sakura: "I'm going to see what I can do. We're coming Master."

Sakura deactivate the communicator while Tanker is getting the AT-TE walker going again and report their next mission which is support Juno and her forces at the droid factory at the center of the city of Meton.

Sakura: "We got our new orders; we're heading to the droid factory and support Master Juno before she gets overrun by droids."

Boomer: "How are we suppose to get there? We don't have enough equipment to deal with the tank battalion?"

Sakura: "Tanker; how's the AT-TE?"

Tanker: "Everything is fix and ready to go. This girl is ready for action."

Sakura: "Good. We're going to use this AT-TE and advance toward the droid factory with it. They won't expect been attack in the rear."

Hikari: "I agree with the General on this. Might as well use it. I bet this girl want some payback for what the CIS did to her crew."

Everyone agree and they load up inside the AT-TE with Hikari at the pilot seat while Tanker use the turret on the top. Hikari start up the AT-TE and ready to move out.

To be Continued.....

Chapter 10: Sakura to the Rescue

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Sakura DivisionWhere stories live. Discover now