Operation Wolf's Fury

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Operation Wolf's Fury
Location: Coruscant, Core World

After the mission was complete in Raxus Prime and the destruction of droid facility; the Sakura Division discover a log data that a large batch of wolf-droids send to Coruscant along with some contain Rhydonium which is dangerous and the threat is extremely high. Coruscant Guard has already been informed about the situation, but due to the threat of Rhydonium; the Sakura Division is going to be send in to locate the wolf-droid with Rhydonium. The mission for Sakura Division is to locate the wolf-droid with Rhydonium and stop it while helping Coruscant Guards with finding any Senators that is still trapped in the building.

1. Locate the Rhydonium Wolf-Droid.
2. Help Coruscant Guard in the Senate Building.
3. Rescue Senators that is trap in the Senate Building.

To be Continued...

Chapter 16: Shadows of Coruscant

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Sakura DivisionWhere stories live. Discover now